Sorry, late to the conversation and maybe missing a bit of context.

How may regional meetings are we thinking?  2-3? Or more?


Piet Kruithof
Sr UX Architect, HP Helion Cloud
PTL, OpenStack UX project

"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong.”

H L Menken

From: Matt Jarvis 
Date: Monday, November 16, 2015 at 9:23 AM
To: Jonathan Proulx <<>>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] OPs Midcycle location discussion.

+1 from me, although I am admittedly biased ;) Personally I think the wider 
participation in the ops feedback loop can only be a positive thing, and there 
are definitely different perspectives and concerns to be had from European 
operators given the different commercial landscape. I'm sure the same is also 
true for Asia.

On 16 November 2015 at 15:50, Jonathan Proulx 
<<>> wrote:
Hi All,

1st User Committee IRC meeting will be today at 19:00UTC on
#openstack-meeting, we haven't exactly settled on an agenda yet but I
hope to raise this issue the...

It has been suggested that we make the February 15-16 European Ops
Meetup in Manchester UK [1] the 'official' OPs Midcycle.  Previously
all mid cycles have been US based.

Personally I like the idea of broadening or geographic reach rather
than staying concentrated in North America. I particularly like it
being 'opposite' the summit location.

This would likely trade off some depth of participation as fewer
of the same people would be able to travel to all midcycles in person.

Discuss...(also come by  #openstack-meeting at 19:00 UTC if you think
this needs real time discussion)




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