I think it’s a good idea.  I think scripts and such that don’t pass the
listing tools can go into the contrib repos and if they get cleaned up then
they can move over to the regular ones.

I don’t actually like some of the PEP8 and bashate rules, but I’d rather
have a consistent style than have them in everyone’s personal style.  I
find less opinionated tools like rubocop to be less useful, since you end
up bogged down in arguing about which style options to choose.

On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 7:03 PM, JJ Asghar <j...@chef.io> wrote:

> Hash: SHA512
> NOTE: I get what I'm about to propose will open a HUGE can of worms, but
> we need it, so I'll start the conversation.
> We had some initial discussion and thoughts on coding standards when we
> first started this project. It got shot down, but not before    Christian
> Berendt came up with review[1].
> If you don't know, bashate[2] is a pep8 coding standard for bash. I
> think it's a great starting point for our tools-generic repo.
> Are there any objections or concerns with this? If there isn't any,
> voiced in a timely fashion, I'll take the action item of getting the
> review re-enabled.
> To the can o'worms: I think we should probably set up linters for any
> python, ruby, bash, etc scripts also. It's hard to cargo cult these from
> other projects in the OpenStack ecosystem; which I understand can be
> different per different project. This can be a religious debate, and I
> want to acknowledge that people feel strongly about this; but we all
> need to come together to get this project off the ground. I'd like to go
> as _simple_ as possible, then we can add more opinionated styles, if
> desired, as our project grows.
> I propose people post different standards here[3] and when we have our
> next meeting we vote to figure out what we should have. If you can't
> attend the meeting please put +1s by what you'd like and we can take
> that in for consideration.
> Please if you have any concerns, questions, thoughts don't hesitate to
> reach out.
> [1]: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/229029
> [2]: https://github.com/openstack-dev/bashate
> [3]: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osops-coding-standards
> - --
> Best Regards,
> JJ Asghar
> c: 512.619.0722 t: @jjasghar irc: j^2
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