Hi everyone,

Thank you all for responding and giving your feedback.

Given that the Ops Mid Cycle [1] is in the UK (15-16 Feb) and AnsibleFest
[2] is also in the UK (18 Feb), and also that everyone seems ok with the UK
as a location for the mid cycle then we shall have it in the UK!

The Ops Mid Cycle organisers have also graciously offered for us to be a
part of the Ops Mid Cycle agenda. I would like as many of us as possible to
play a part in the Ops Mid Cycle - listening, learning and contributing
where possible. As such, I'd like us to limit the number of sessions we
have within the Ops Mid Cycle. Let's have a few open design-style sessions.

Thereafter, as discussed in today's community meeting [3], we can break
down into work sessions where we can work on specific goals. This will
happen on the Wednesday 17 Feb and we will be hosted at the Rackspace
offices in Hayes (West London).

I've setup an Etherpad [4] to gather proposals for Fishbowl Sessions (at
the Ops Mid Cycle) and Work Sessions (for 17 Feb). Please add any sessions
you'd like to facilitate/moderate. If there are sessions there, then please
feel free to add your +1 to show that you'd like to see it.

As discussed in the meeting today [3] I'm on holiday until the New Year.
Please all have a wonderful time over the year's end and I'll see you all
bright-eyed and bushy tailed next year!

Best regards,

IRC: odyssey4me

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MAN-ops-meetup
[2] http://www.ansible.com/ansiblefest
[4] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-ansible-mitaka-midcycle
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