On 01/04/2016 03:07 PM, Russell Cecala wrote:
Thank you for the reply Rich,

Here are the versions of my puppet modules:

[root@ost-puppet-centos-001 keystone]# puppet module list


├── nanliu-staging (v1.0.3)

├── openstack-keystone (v6.1.0)

├── openstack-openstacklib (v6.1.0)

├── puppetlabs-apache (v1.7.0)

├── puppetlabs-apt (v1.8.0)

├── puppetlabs-concat (v1.2.4)

├── puppetlabs-firewall (v1.7.1)

├── puppetlabs-inifile (v1.4.2)

├── puppetlabs-mysql (v3.6.1)

├── puppetlabs-postgresql (v3.4.2)

├── puppetlabs-rabbitmq (v5.3.1)

└── puppetlabs-stdlib (v4.9.0)


├── cisco-gis-openstack (???)

├── haproxy (???)

├── keepalived (???)

├── mikduart-unnamed (v0.1.0)

├── mikduart-unnamed (v0.1.0)

├── mikduart-unnamed (v0.1.0)

├── puppetlabs-mongodb (v0.10.0)

├── saz-memcached (v2.4.0)

├── setup_mariadb_script (???)

├── sysctl (???)

└── wrapmongodb (???)


├── puppetlabs-pe_accounts (v2.0.2-8-g8acc04e)

├── puppetlabs-pe_concat (v1.1.2-4-g2b7bba2)

├── puppetlabs-pe_console_prune (v0.1.1-4-g293f45b)

├── puppetlabs-pe_inifile (v1.1.4-16-gcb39966)

├── puppetlabs-pe_java_ks (v1.2.4-35-g44fbb26)

├── puppetlabs-pe_postgresql (v3.4.4-15-g32e56ed)

├── puppetlabs-pe_razor (v0.2.1-9-g8d78ec2)

├── puppetlabs-pe_repo (v0.7.7-59-g4514315)

├── puppetlabs-pe_staging (v0.3.3-6-gbd9db2b)

└── puppetlabs-puppet_enterprise (v3.7.1-117-g9c48e73)

I am not sure I have the right values in my openrc but I have been using:

# cat openrc.localhost

export OS_AUTH_URL=

export OS_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin

export OS_USERNAME=admin

Is this sourced into the environment where puppet is running? It should not be.

I believe this is the openstackclient version I am using:

[root@ost-mgmt-centos-001 ~]# rpm -qa | grep openstackclient


On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 1:19 PM, Rich Megginson <rmegg...@redhat.com <mailto:rmegg...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    On 01/04/2016 02:06 PM, Russell Cecala wrote:
    Hi Emilien,

    I am trying to use https://github.com/openstack/puppet-keystone
    to set up a Kilo keystone node.

    I'm assuming you're using the kilo branch there?

    I was hoping to could help me out so I can get my team to adopt
    puppet for setting up OpenStack.

    On my keystone node I am running centos7 with selinux disabled ...

    What version of openstackclient are you using?

    Do you have a $HOME/openrc or /root/openrc, or are you otherwise
    defining OS_* environment variables in the environment before
    running puppet?

    [root@svl-ost-mgmt-centos-001 ~]# sestatus

    SELinux status:                 disabled

    ... and I have flushed my iptables ...

    [root@svl-ost-mgmt-centos-001 ~]# iptables -L

    Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)

    target     prot opt source destination

    Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)

    target     prot opt source destination

    Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)

    target     prot opt source destination

    Yet when I run "puppet agent -t"  I get these errors:

    [root@ost-mgmt-centos-001 ~]# puppet agent -t

    Info: Retrieving pluginfacts

    Info: Retrieving plugin

    Info: Loading facts

    Error: NetworkManager is not running.

    Info: Caching catalog for ost-mgmt-centos-001.example.com

    *Warning: The tenant parameter is deprecated and will be removed
    in the future. Please use keystone_user_role to assign a user to
    a project.*

    *Warning: The ignore_default_tenant parameter is deprecated and
    will be removed in the future.*

    Info: Applying configuration version '1451940682'

    *Error: /Stage[main]/Keystone::Roles::Admin/Keystone_user[admin]:
    Could not evaluate: Execution of '/usr/bin/openstack token issue
    --format value' returned 1: ERROR: openstack The resource could
    not be found. (HTTP 404) (Request-ID:

*This usually indicates that it is trying to ensure that the user "admin" exists but the password is incorrect. That is, the class { '::keystone::roles::admin': password => $keystone_admin_password is not correct.

If you are sure it is correct, then it could be a mismatch between the identity api version used by the puppet module and the one specified in the environment. Check the keystone access logs to see what URL this is trying to access - something with /token or /tokens, or something with /auth/token or /auth/tokens


    Dependency Keystone_user[admin] has failures: true

    Skipping because of failed dependencies*

    Notice: Finished catalog run in 12.38 seconds

    Here's code I am using on my puppet master ...


    ... big list of parameters I am not using until I can get
    keystone going ...

    ) {

    exec{ '/bin/yum -y install
    unless=> '/bin/rpm -q epel-release', }

    exec{ '/bin/yum -y install
    unless=> '/bin/rpm -q rdo-release', }

    package { 'mariadb': ensure => present, }

    exec{ 'keystone_database_init':

    command=> '/usr/bin/keystone-manage db_sync',

    onlyif => [

    'show tables'",

    "/usr/bin/test -z \"`/usr/bin/mysql -u$keystone_db_user
    -p$keystone_db_pass -h$db_host -P$db_port $keystone_db_name -e
    'show tables'`\""


    require => Package['mariadb'],



    admin_token          => $keystone_auth_token,

    database_connection      =>

    debug     => $debug,

    enabled     => true,

    enable_ssl     => false,

    service_name     => 'httpd',# this is a kilo thing

    verbose     => $debug,


    include ::apache

    class{ '::keystone::wsgi::apache': ssl=> false, }

    class{ '::keystone::roles::admin':

    email        => $keystone_admin_email,

    password    => $keystone_admin_password,


    class{ '::keystone::endpoint':

    public_url    => "";,

    admin_url    => "";,

    default_domain=> 'admin',



    Thanks! And Happy New Year to you :)

    On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Emilien Macchi
    <emil...@redhat.com <mailto:emil...@redhat.com>> wrote:

        On 11/24/2015 11:21 PM, Russell Cecala wrote:
> I am trying to use the OpenStack community puppet modules. Here's the
        > keystone module I am using:
        > I am using the stable juno branch.  I have in my puppet
        manifest for my
        > controller nodes this resource definition:
        >     class { '::keystone::roles::admin':
        >         admin        => $keystone_admin_user,
        >         email        => $keystone_admin_email,
        >         password     => $keystone_admin_password,
        >     } ->
        > And when puppet runs that code I get this error:
        >     Error:
        > Could not evaluate: Execution of '/usr/bin/openstack domain
        > --format shell' returned 2: usage: openstack domain show
        [-h] [-f
        > {shell,table,value}] [-c COLUMN]
        > [--max-width <integer>] [--prefix PREFIX]
        > <domain>
        >     openstack domain show: error: too few arguments

        Sounds like an issue with your version of openstackclient,
        can you
        provide it?

        > Can anyone help me?  Are these Puppet modules still being

        Yes :-)

        > Does anyone use them?  Thanks!

        Double yes.
        Emilien Macchi

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