On 02/17/2016 02:00 PM, Wade Holler wrote:
> Well it almost does. Except on my neutron agents container I ended up with a 
> eth12....
> And I do have a flat network plumbed in to the infrastructure host ( on which 
> the neutron agent container resides ) via br-vlan.
> Thoughts?
> Thank you for the engagement and previous prompt rely! I really appreciate 
> the help.

Hmm, I think I'm to the point where I need to know a little more about your 
configuration. ;)

Could you drop as much of your openstack_user_config.yml as you can into a 
pastebin somewhere?  Be sure to obfuscate any information or IP addresses that 
would be problematic if they're made public.

If you want all three network types -- flat, VLAN, and VXLAN -- that's totally 
doable, but a veth might be required on your hypervisors.  Knowing more about 
your configuration and desired state will help.

Feel free to hop into #openstack-ansible on Freenode to talk in real-time.  I'm 
mhayden in the channel.

Major Hayden

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