Hello Saverio,
Thanks for your answer. In that case the problem is that I thought the patch you are referring to was already make in Kilo.
Doing snapshots directly from ceph goes fast:

[root@ceph01: ~] # time rbd -p volumes snap create volume-fecc8258-e6d8-4d3c-9ac2-fe98b5dbbc2f@mytestsnap

real    0m1.062s
user    0m0.090s
sys     0m0.011s
[root@ceph01: ~] # rbd -p volumes info volume-fecc8258-e6d8-4d3c-9ac2-fe98b5dbbc2f
rbd image 'volume-fecc8258-e6d8-4d3c-9ac2-fe98b5dbbc2f':
        size 10240 MB in 2560 objects
        order 22 (4096 kB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.d30dc62fe6784
        format: 2
        features: layering

[root@ceph01: ~] # rbd -p volumes snap ls volume-fecc8258-e6d8-4d3c-9ac2-fe98b5dbbc2f
     4 mytestsnap 10240 MB


On 03/03/2016 08:37 AM, Saverio Proto wrote:
Hello Andreas,

what kind of snapshot are you doing ?

1) Snapshot of a instance running on a ephimeral volume ?
2) Snapshot of a instance booted from Volume ?
3) Snapshot of a volume ?

in case 1 the ephemeral volume is in the volume pool with the name
when you snapshot, this must be read to disk and then a image is
generated and uploaded to the glance pool.
This is slow, but the patch to make this faster and all within ceph
has been already merged in Mitaka
Look here:
Instance (ephemeral disk) snap CoW directly to Glance pool

You might also want to measure how fast your ceph can take snapshot,
without Openstack.

assuming that your ceph pool for volumes is called volumespool

try to make a snapshot by hand bypassing openstack using rbd CLI

rbd -p volumespool snap create volume-<UUID>@mytestsnapshotname

Does it take a long time as well ?


2016-03-03 8:01 GMT+01:00 Andreas Vallin <andreas.val...@it.uu.se>:
We are currently installing a new openstack cluster (Liberty) with
openstack-ansible and an already existing ceph cluster. We have both images
and volumes located in ceph with rbd. My current problem is that snapshots
take a very long time and I can see that snapshots are temporary created
under /var/lib/nova/instances/snapshots/tmp on the compute node, I thought
that this would not be needed when using ceph? The instance that I am
creating a snapshot of uses a raw image that is protected. What can cause
this behavior?


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