From: joe <<>>
Date: Monday 7 March 2016 at 07:53
To: openstack-operators 
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] RAID / stripe block storage volumes

We ($work) have been researching this topic for the past few weeks and I wanted 
to give an update on what we've found.

First, we've found that both Rackspace and Azure advocate the use of RAID'ing 
block storage volumes from within an instance for both performance and 
resilience [1][2][3]. I only mention this to add to the earlier Amazon AWS 
information and not to imply that more people should share this view.

Second, we discovered virtio-scsi [4]. By adding the following properties to an 
image, the disks will now appear as SCSI disks, including the more common 
/dev/sdx naming:


What's notable is that, in our testing, ZFS pools and Gluster replicas are more 
likely to see the volume disconnect/fail with virtio-scsi. mdadm has always 
been fairly dependable, so there hasn't been a change there. We're still 
testing, but virtio-scsi looks promising.

We found significantly slower (~20%) from the virtio SCSI on bonnie++. I had 
been thinking it would be better.

What were your performance experiences ?



On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 7:18 PM, Joe Topjian 
<<>> wrote:
Yep. Don't get me wrong -- I agree 100% with everything you've said throughout 
this thread. Applications that have native replication are awesome. Swift is 
crazy awesome. :)

I understand that some may see the use of mdadm, Cinder-assisted replication, 
etc as supporting "pet" environments, and I agree to some extent. But I do 
think there are applicable use-cases where those services could be very helpful.

As one example, I know of large cloud-based environments which handle very 
large data sets and are entirely stood up through configuration management 
systems. However, due to the sheer size of data being handled, rebuilding or 
resyncing a portion of the environment could take hours. Failing over to a 
replicated volume is instant.In addition, being able to both stripe and 
replicate goes a very long way in making the most out of commodity block 
storage environments (for example, avoiding packing problems and such).

Should these types of applications be reading / writing directly to Swift, 
HDFS, or handling replication themselves? Sure, in a perfect world. Does 
Gluster fill all gaps I've mentioned? Kind of.

I guess I'm just trying to survey the options available for applications and 
environments that would otherwise be very flexible and resilient if it wasn't 
for their awkward use of storage. :)

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 6:18 PM, Robert Starmer 
<<>> wrote:
Besides, wouldn't it be better to actually do application layer backup restore, 
or application level distribution for replication?  That architecture at least 
let's the application determine and deal with corrupt data transmission rather 
than the DRBD like model where you corrupt one data-set, you corrupt them all...

Hence my comment about having some form of object storage (SWIFT is perhaps 
even a good example of this architeccture, the proxy replicates, checks MD5, 
etc. to verify good data, rather than just replicating blocks of data).

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 7:15 PM, Robert Starmer 
<<>> wrote:
I have not run into anyone replicating volumes or creating redundancy at the VM 
level (beyond, as you point out, HDFS, etc.).


On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 6:54 PM, Joe Topjian 
<<>> wrote:
This is a great conversation and I really appreciate everyone's input. Though, 
I agree, we wandered off the original question and that's my fault for 
mentioning various storage backends.

For the sake of conversation, let's just say the user has no knowledge of the 
underlying storage technology. They're presented with a Block Storage service 
and the rest is up to them. What known, working options does the user have to 
build their own block storage resilience? (Ignoring "obvious" solutions where 
the application has native replication, such as Galera, elasticsearch, etc)

I have seen references to Cinder supporting replication, but I'm not able to 
find a lot of information about it. The support matrix[1] lists very few 
drivers that actually implement replication -- is this true or is there a trove 
of replication docs that I just haven't been able to find?

Amazon AWS publishes instructions on how to use mdadm with EBS[2]. One might 
interpret that to mean mdadm is a supported solution within EC2 based instances.

There are also references to DRBD and EC2, though I could not find anything as 
"official" as mdadm and EC2.

Does anyone have experience (or know users) doing either? (specifically with 
libvirt/KVM, but I'd be curious to know in general)

Or is it more advisable to create multiple instances where data is replicated 
instance-to-instance rather than a single instance with multiple volumes and 
have data replicated volume-to-volume (by way of a single instance)? And if so, 
why? Is a lack of stable volume-to-volume replication a limitation of certain 

Or has this area just not been explored in depth within OpenStack environments 


On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Robert Starmer 
<<>> wrote:
I'm not against Ceph, but even 2 machines (and really 2 machines with enough 
storage to be meaningful, e.g. not the all blade environments I've built some 
o7k  systems on) may not be available for storage, so there are cases where 
that's not necessarily the solution. I built resiliency in one environment with 
a 2 node controller/Glance/db system with Gluster, which enabled enough 
middleware resiliency to meet the customers recovery expectations. Regardless, 
even with a cattle application model, the infrastructure middleware still needs 
to be able to provide some level of resiliency.

But we've kind-of wandered off of the original question. I think that to bring 
this back on topic, I think users can build resilience in their own storage 
construction, but I still think there are use cases where the middleware either 
needs to use it's own resiliency layer, and/or may end up providing it for the 
end user.


On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Fox, Kevin M 
<<>> wrote:
We've used ceph to address the storage requirement in small clouds pretty well. 
it works pretty well with only two storage nodes with replication set to 2, and 
because of the radosgw, you can share your small amount of storage between the 
object store and the block store avoiding the need to overprovision swift-only 
or cinder-only to handle usage unknowns. Its just one pool of storage.

Your right, using lvm is like telling your users, don't do pets, but then 
having pets at the heart of your system. when you loose one, you loose a lot. 
With a small ceph, you can take out one of the nodes, burn it to the ground and 
put it back, and it just works. No pets.

Do consider ceph for the small use case.


From: Robert Starmer [<>]
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 1:30 PM
To: Ned Rhudy
Cc: OpenStack Operators

Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] RAID / stripe block storage volumes

Ned's model is the model I meant by "multiple underlying storage services".  
Most of the systems I've built are LV/LVM only,  a few added Ceph as an 
alternative/live-migration option, and one where we used Gluster due to size.  
Note that the environments I have worked with in general are small (~20 
compute), so huge Ceph environments aren't common.  I am also working on a 
project where the storage backend is entirely NFS...

And I think users are more and more educated to assume that there is nothing 
guaranteed.  There is the realization, at least for a good set of the customers 
I've worked with (and I try to educate the non-believers), that the way you get 
best effect from a system like OpenStack is to consider everything disposable. 
The one gap I've seen is that there are plenty of folks who don't deploy SWIFT, 
and without some form of object store, there's still the question of where you 
place your datasets so that they can be quickly recovered (and how do you keep 
them up to date if you do have one).  With VMs, there's the concept that you 
can recover quickly because the "dataset" e.g. your OS, is already there for 
you, and in plenty of small environments, that's only as true as the glance 
repository (guess what's usually backing that when there's no SWIFT around...).

So I see the issue as a holistic one. How do you show operators/users that they 
should consider everything disposable if we only look at the current running 
instance as the "thing"   Somewhere you still likely need some form of 
distributed resilience (and yes, I can see using the distributed Canonical, 
Centos, RedHat, Fedora, Debian, etc. mirrors as your distributed Image backup 
but what about the database content, etc.).


On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Ned Rhudy (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX) 
<<>> wrote:
In our environments, we offer two types of storage. Tenants can either use 
Ceph/RBD and trade speed/latency for reliability and protection against 
physical disk failures, or they can launch instances that are realized as LVs 
on an LVM VG that we create on top of a RAID 0 spanning all but the OS disk on 
the hypervisor. This lets the users elect to go all-in on speed and sacrifice 
reliability for applications where replication/HA is handled at the app level, 
if the data on the instance is sourced from elsewhere, or if they just don't 
care much about the data.

There are some further changes to our approach that we would like to make down 
the road, but in general our users seem to like the current system and being 
able to forgo reliability or speed as their circumstances demand.

Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] RAID / stripe block storage volumes
Hi Robert,

Can you elaborate on "multiple underlying storage services"?

The reason I asked the initial question is because historically we've made our 
block storage service resilient to failure. Historically we also made our 
compute environment resilient to failure, too, but over time, we've seen users 
become more educated to cope with compute failure. As a result, we've been able 
to become more lenient with regard to building resilient compute environments.

We've been discussing how possible it would be to translate that same idea to 
block storage. Rather than have a large HA storage cluster (whether Ceph, 
Gluster, NetApp, etc), is it possible to offer simple single LVM volume servers 
and push the failure handling on to the user?

Of course, this doesn't work for all types of use cases and environments. We 
still have projects which require the cloud to own most responsibility for 
failure than the users.

But for environments were we offer general purpose / best effort compute and 
storage, what methods are available to help the user be resilient to block 
storage failures?


On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 12:09 PM, Robert Starmer 
<<>> wrote:
I've always recommended providing multiple underlying storage services to 
provide this rather than adding the overhead to the VM.  So, not in any of my 
systems or any I've worked with.


On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 5:56 PM, Joe Topjian 
<<>> wrote:

Does anyone have users RAID'ing or striping multiple block storage volumes from 
within an instance?

If so, what was the experience? Good, bad, possible but with caveats?


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