Hmmm.   Well I'm not using OpenVSwitch.  Just LinuxBridge.   My CentOS 7
install sees emp3s0 where eth0 would usually appear.   But this may need to
be changed to br-ex?  The IP address no longer apperas at enp3s0, so
perhaps that's the issue.

When I make changes, I tear down all the networks and rebuild them
according to instructions.   I do this after restarting the machine.  I
wonder if the database needs to be updated as well.

su -s /bin/sh -c "neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
  --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini upgrade head" neutron
systemctl stop neutron-server.service \
  neutron-linuxbridge-agent.service neutron-dhcp-agent.service \
systemctl stop neutron-l3-agent.service
and restart.

Thanks for the help.   Yes.  It's a bit confusing.   Why are router and
instance ports different?  It is for this reason that I figured I could
just create my own instance/router.  But why should I have to?    Do
routers not work unless you use OpenVSwitch?   The Liberty install
instructions (unlike Kilo) don't seem to require installing OpenVSwitch.

inux_bridge               | physical_interface_mappings | public:enp3s0

Perhaps br-ex?   Or whereever I see my static IP when doing an ifconfig
:-)  Was enp3s0 when CentOS was first installed, but I think thats changed

| linuxbridge_agent: Section | Key                         |
Value                                                        |
| linux_bridge               | physical_interface_mappings |
public:enp3s0                                                |
| vxlan                      | l2_population               |
True                                                         |
| vxlan                      | local_ip                    |                                                 |
| vxlan                      | enable_vxlan                |
True                                                         |
| agent                      | prevent_arp_spoofing        |
True                                                         |
| securitygroup              | firewall_driver             |
neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver |
| securitygroup              | enable_security_group       |
True                                                         |

- Christopher T. Hull
I am presently seeking a new career opportunity  Please see career page
333 Orchard Ave, Sunnyvale CA. 94085
(415) 385 4865

On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Dan Sneddon <> wrote:

> On 03/23/2016 03:05 PM, Christopher Hull wrote:
> > Hi Keven / all;
> >
> > Re: Getting a Neutron Router to work.  (set external_network_bridge =
> > blank).  Apologies if this got sent twice.
> >
> > Nope, not quite there yet re getting the damn router to work (week 3 on
> > this issue).
> >
> > The Liberty install instructions indeed say to set...
> > external_network_bridge =
> >
> > I'm so desperate that I thought the blank space after the = might be
> > the issue.  No.   Then I noticed these instructions in l3_agent.ini
> itself.
> > -----
> > # When external_network_bridge is set, each L3 agent can be associated
> > # with no more than one external network. This value should be set to
> > the UUID
> > # of that external network. To allow L3 agent support multiple external
> > # networks, both the external_network_bridge and
> > gateway_external_network_id
> > # must be left empty.
> > # gateway_external_network_id =
> > ----
> >
> > 1: Should gateway_external_network_id = be unoommented?
> > 2: Should I reupdate the database after these changes?
> > su -s /bin/sh -c "neutron-db-manage --config-file
> > /etc/neutron/neutron.conf \
> >   --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini upgrade head"
> neutron
> >
> > 3: Should external_network_bridge in fact be set to the UUID of the
> > public network?
> >
> > 4. All instances Ports work just fine on public and private network.
> > WHAT is the difference between a Neutron router northbound port and an
> > instance port on the public net.
> >
> > Services restarted after config change (just removed space after =
> > actually just in case sloppy Python coding was involved here).  In
> > fact, I rebooted the box just to be sure.
> >
> > Making my own instance based router is looking better and better all
> > the time.   If Neutron Routers really work, maybe UFO's exist too.
> > :-)   j/k
> >
> >
> > Seriously.  Thank you for your help.     Hope to help the community
> > soon too myself.  Trying to get my Gerrit account up and running but
> > the site won't allow me to sign the Contrib agreement
> > with out getting a server error.
> >
> >
> > ====  Config Details ======
> > Issue   Neutron Router Northbound Port won't Ping, is Down
> >
> > [root@maersk src]# ./ show  -p /etc neutron  rootwrap.conf
> > ml2_conf.ini l3_agent.ini linuxbridge_agent.ini dhcp_agent.ini
> >
> +-----------------------+------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
> > | neutron: Section      | Key                                |
> > Value                                           |
> >
> +-----------------------+------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
> > | DEFAULT               | verbose                            |
> > True                                            |
> > | DEFAULT               | nova_url                           |
> > http://controller:8774/v2                       |
> > | DEFAULT               | notify_nova_on_port_data_changes   |
> > True                                            |
> > | DEFAULT               | notify_nova_on_port_status_changes |
> > True                                            |
> > | DEFAULT               | auth_strategy                      |
> > keystone                                        |
> > | DEFAULT               | rpc_backend                        |
> > rabbit                                          |
> > | DEFAULT               | allow_overlapping_ips              |
> > True                                            |
> > | DEFAULT               | service_plugins                    |
> > router                                          |
> > | DEFAULT               | core_plugin                        |
> > ml2                                             |
> > | keystone_authtoken    | password                           |
> > mk4968small23buggidntpass                       |
> > | keystone_authtoken    | username                           |
> > neutron                                         |
> > | keystone_authtoken    | project_name                       |
> > service                                         |
> > | keystone_authtoken    | user_domain_id                     |
> > default                                         |
> > | keystone_authtoken    | project_domain_id                  |
> > default                                         |
> > | keystone_authtoken    | auth_plugin                        |
> > password                                        |
> > | keystone_authtoken    | auth_url                           |
> > http://controller:35357                         |
> > | keystone_authtoken    | auth_uri                           |
> > http://controller:5000                          |
> > | database              | connection                         |
> > mysql://neutron:sleestack191@controller/neutron |
> > | nova                  | password                           |
> > mk4968small23buggidntpass                       |
> > | nova                  | username                           |
> > nova                                            |
> > | nova                  | project_name                       |
> > service                                         |
> > | nova                  | region_name                        |
> > RegionOne                                       |
> > | nova                  | user_domain_id                     |
> > default                                         |
> > | nova                  | project_domain_id                  |
> > default                                         |
> > | nova                  | auth_plugin                        |
> > password                                        |
> > | nova                  | auth_url                           |
> > http://controller:35357                         |
> > | oslo_concurrency      | lock_path                          |
> > /var/lib/neutron/tmp                            |
> > | oslo_messaging_rabbit | rabbit_password                    |
> > open.g00dke232                                  |
> > | oslo_messaging_rabbit | rabbit_userid                      |
> > openstack                                       |
> > | oslo_messaging_rabbit | rabbit_host                        |
> > controller                                      |
> >
> +-----------------------+------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
> >
> +-------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
> > | rootwrap: Section | Key                 |
> > Value                                                        |
> >
> +-------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
> > | DEFAULT           | filters_path        |
> > /etc/cinder/rootwrap.d,/usr/share/cinder/rootwrap            |
> > | DEFAULT           | exec_dirs           |
> > /sbin,/usr/sbin,/bin,/usr/bin,/usr/local/bin,/usr/local/sbin |
> > | DEFAULT           | use_syslog          |
> > False                                                        |
> > | DEFAULT           | syslog_log_facility |
> > syslog                                                       |
> > | DEFAULT           | syslog_log_level    |
> > ERROR                                                        |
> >
> +-------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
> > +-------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+
> > | ml2_conf: Section | Key                  | Value                    |
> > +-------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+
> > | ml2               | extension_drivers    | port_security            |
> > | ml2               | mechanism_drivers    | linuxbridge,l2population |
> > | ml2               | tenant_network_types | vxlan                    |
> > | ml2               | type_drivers         | flat,vlan,vxlan          |
> > | ml2_type_flat     | flat_networks        | public                   |
> > | ml2_type_vxlan    | vni_ranges           | 1:1000                   |
> > | securitygroup     | enable_ipset         | True                     |
> > +-------------------+----------------------+--------------------------+
> >
> +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
> > | l3_agent: Section | Key                      |
> > Value                                               |
> >
> +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
> > | DEFAULT           | external_network_bridge
> > |                                                     |
> > | DEFAULT           | verbose                  |
> > True                                                |
> > | DEFAULT           | interface_driver         |
> > neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver |
> >
> +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
> >
> +----------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
> > | linuxbridge_agent: Section | Key                         |
> > Value                                                        |
> >
> +----------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
> > | linux_bridge               | physical_interface_mappings |
> > public:enp3s0                                                |
> > | vxlan                      | l2_population               |
> > True                                                         |
> > | vxlan                      | local_ip                    |
> >                                                 |
> > | vxlan                      | enable_vxlan                |
> > True                                                         |
> > | agent                      | prevent_arp_spoofing        |
> > True                                                         |
> > | securitygroup              | firewall_driver             |
> > neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver |
> > | securitygroup              | enable_security_group       |
> > True                                                         |
> >
> +----------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> +---------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
> > | dhcp_agent: Section | Key                      |
> > Value                                               |
> >
> +---------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
> > | DEFAULT             | dnsmasq_config_file      |
> > /etc/neutron/dnsmasq-neutron.conf                   |
> > | DEFAULT             | verbose                  |
> > True                                                |
> > | DEFAULT             | enable_isolated_metadata |
> > True                                                |
> > | DEFAULT             | dhcp_driver              |
> > neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq                    |
> > | DEFAULT             | interface_driver         |
> > neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver |
> >
> +---------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > - Christopher T. Hull
> > I am presently seeking a new career opportunity  Please see career page
> >
> > 333 Orchard Ave, Sunnyvale CA. 94085
> > (415) 385 4865
> > <>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 8:50 AM, <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> >     Thanks. Will check that.
> >     When I create an instance in the public or private nets they ping.
> >     Why do router ports behave differently than instance ports?  Only
> >     the Northbound router port is down and won't ping.   Will check
> >     settings ASAP thanks
> >
> >     Chris.
> >
> >     Sent from my iPhone
> >
> >     On Mar 23, 2016, at 7:52 AM, Kevin Benton <
> >     <>> wrote:
> >
> >>     Ok. The same settings should apply to Linux bridge.
> >>
> >>     Make sure you have external_network_bridge defined in your L3
> >>     agent as an empty value.
> >>
> >>     Then your external network should be created with the provider
> >>     type of 'flat' and the physical network corresponding to the one
> >>     you have defined in your bridge mappings in the L2 agent  that
> >>     attaches to the bridge going to your external physical network.
> >>
> >>     On Mar 23, 2016 7:25 AM, <
> >>     <>> wrote:
> >>
> >>         Kevin;
> >>         Thank you Very much.  I'll check.   I did a manual Liberty
> >>         install so I may have done something wrong.  I am using
> >>         LinuxBridge (not OpenVSwitch) if that helps.  Will post
> >>         results to list soon.  Would like to be able to use floating
> >>         IPs, a more convenient form of ipTables basically.
> >>
> >>         Chris.
> >>
> >>         Sent from my iPhone
> >>
> >>         On Mar 23, 2016, at 7:16 AM, Kevin Benton <
> >>         <>> wrote:
> >>
> >>>         Do you have external_network_bridge set to an empty value in
> >>>         the l3 agent config? If not, the l3 agent will use a legacy
> >>>         mode of wiring up the port and it's status field may not be
> >>>         ACTIVE.
> >>>
> >>>         The routers are tested thousands of times in the gate every
> >>>         day, so they work. It's just a matter of getting your
> >>>         configuration correct.
> >>>
> >>>         Yes, you can use a VM to route as well.
> >>>
> >>>         On Mar 23, 2016 7:06 AM, <
> >>>         <>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>             Hi all;
> >>>             It appears that Liberty Neutron routers do not work.
> >>>             The Northbound port is always Down.
> >>>
> >>>             What I'd like to do is dedicate an instance (CentOS) to
> >>>             routing between the Public net and other nets.  Has
> >>>             anyone done this.  Setting up the router is trivial.
> >>>             But I'm a little worried about interaction with Neutron
> >>>             Ports.  I need to assign fixed IPs so I can route from
> >>>             the Internet to a server instance.
> >>>
> >>>             Ideas?
> >>>
> >>>             Thanks
> >>>             - Chris.
> >>>
> >>>             Sent from my iPhone
> >>>             _______________________________________________
> >>>             OpenStack-operators mailing list
> >>>   
> >>>             <>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > OpenStack-operators mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> Definitely the external_network_bridge needs to be explicitly set to
> nothing. That's not the default. I've never had to change the default
> gateway_external_network_id when I set external_network_bridge to a
> blank value.
> Note that after making changes to external_network_bridge, I've have to
> delete and recreate the router/port/network that was created before
> that change.
> I assume that your bridge mappings are correct in
> /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini:
> bridge_mappings =datacentre:br-ex  # or whatever you have locally
> And that the physical_network of the external network matches the
> network name in the bridge_mappings that corresponds to the bridge
> containing the physical interface? Probably your instance ports
> wouldn't work if those things weren't correct, but those are also areas
> where I see failures similar to this.
> --
> Dan Sneddon         |  Principal OpenStack Engineer
> |
> 650.254.4025        |  dsneddon:irc   @dxs:twitter
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