
At the last OSOps Tools and Monitoring meeting, we had mriedem (Nova Team)
talk with us about a proposal that they are working on. The Nova team would
like to abandon the use of a wish-list as it has grown to an unmanageable
size.  They have posted a few times to both the operators list [1] as well
as the developers list [2] about their idea.  They would like to work with
us operators to find the best way to get our ideas into their
prioritization list. At the mid-cycle and summit meet-ups, we continue to
create etherpads [3] that make mention to the troubles we have, as well as
the work we have done to overcome them. These are examples of the work that
the NOVA team would like to hear about.

I'd like to gather some ideas and thoughts from the operator community on
not only the NOVA proposal but ways that we could get the feedback we
create each cycle to each of the respective projects.  One idea that I have
is using the OSOps repo as a way for us to gather and track these wishlist
type of items.  Then the OSOps working group could be used to help try get
these worked on.

I'd love to get help and hear ideas from others about how we could improve
and build on this process. Please let me know your thoughts.



[3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/operator-local-patches
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