I filed a bug (feature request) about ability to see deleted instances action list: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1569779

Any ideas?

I really want to see it like this:

I filed a bug (feature request) about ability to see deleted instances action list: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1569779

Any ideas?

I really want to see it like this:

| Action        | Request_ID                               | Message | 
Start_Time                 |
| create        | req-31f61086-ce71-4e0a-9ef5-3d1bdd386043 | -       | 
2015-05-26T12:09:54.000000 |
| reboot        | req-4632c799-a83e-489c-bb04-5ed4f47705af | -       | 
2015-05-26T14:21:53.000000 |
| stop          | req-120635d8-ef53-4237-b95a-7d15f00ab6bf | -       | 
2015-06-01T08:46:03.000000 |
| migrate       | req-bdd680b3-06d5-48e6-868b-d3e4dc17796a | -       | 
2015-06-01T08:48:14.000000 |
| confirmResize | req-a9af49d4-833e-404e-86ac-7d8907badd9e | -       | 
2015-06-01T08:58:03.000000 |
| start         | req-5a2f5295-8b63-4cb7-84d9-dad1c6abf053 | -       | 
2015-06-01T08:58:20.000000 |
| delete        | req-aaaaaaaa-bbbb-4444-cccc-dddddddddddd | -       | 
2016-04-01T00:00:00.000000 |

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