Kolla folks, the word opinionated in the deploymentbconfig tool is usually seen 
by ops as heavily tieing your hands to the point of being very painful or a 
show stopper. I get that your trying to say that now its "opinionated" for easy 
install but supports being unopinionated, but some ops wont read past the first 
part of the sentence. The reaction to the word opinionated can be that strong. 
Best to just claim unopinionated with an easy install option or something like 


From: Steven Dake (stdake)
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 1:40:16 AM
To: Rayson Ho; Emilien Macchi
Cc: openstack-operators@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] [puppet][kolla] Multi-node installation

A suggestion to give Kolla a spin inside…

From: Rayson Ho <raysonlo...@gmail.com<mailto:raysonlo...@gmail.com>>
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 1:58 PM
To: Emilien Macchi <emil...@redhat.com<mailto:emil...@redhat.com>>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] [puppet] Multi-node installation

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Emilien Macchi 
<emil...@redhat.com<mailto:emil...@redhat.com>> wrote:
> If you need to start a composition layer from scratch, you'll need to
> compose the manifests yourself.
> Puppet OpenStack is not an opinionated project like TripleO, Fuel,
> Kolla. We're a library of Puppet modules that you can use at wish.
> You need to be a bit familiar with Puppet.
> But if you look at wat we do in puppet-openstack-integration, you're
> missing a few parameters to make it work in multi-node, it should not
> be hard.

Thanks for the the prompt reply, Emilien! (And hello from Toronto!)

I am just trying to install OpenStack on a cluster of 3 CentOS machines. I 
tried the OpenStack Ansible installation, but there are 2 showstoppers:
 - OpenStack Ansible works great on Ubuntu, but doesn't support RHEL (we have 
RHEL licenses, we use CentOS and Oracle Linux for R & D. Our production 
machines will be running RHEL so Ubuntu doesn't cut it.)


Kolla deploys multinode with high availability.  Kolla is an opinionated 
deployment management tool unless the Operator has opinions of their own.  
Kolla offers complete customization of any OpenStack parameter via augmentation 
files which override the defaults specified by Kolla.  This permits an Operator 
to have something working right out o the box, but change things around as the 
Operator's experience grows with OpenStack.  Its essentially the best of both 
worlds :)

 - If we install OpenStack behind an HTTP Proxy & firewall, then some parts of 
OpenStack setup do not work well with the proxy. So we install OpenStack 
outside the firewall and then bring them into the datacenter. However, with the 
OpenStack Ansible setup, every time the nodes boot up, they try to contact the 
package servers again to check for newer versions, and thus they would get 
errors as they need to go through the proxy.

Kolla will work well for what I think you desire.  To upgrade kolla, you run 
"kolla-ansible upgrade".  There is no runtime automatic checking for new stuff. 
 Oracle also ships Kolla 1.0.0 as part of their OpenStack implementation.

I use Puppet OpenStack because it works well on RHEL-based OSes & the 
installation doesn't seem to contact the outside world once it is configured. 
And I used Puppet a few years ago (mainly for basic provisioning in AWS/EC2), 
so that's another plus for Puppet. A few weeks ago I looked at Packstack, which 
calls the Puppet installation internally, but last time I used it I encountered 
other issues. However, as it supports multi-node installations, I think I will 
look at how it calls the Puppet manifests.

If there is an easier way to install OpenStack (ideally 14.0, and we would like 
to stay as close to the official OpenStack source as possible) on RHEL, without 
trying to download newer packages once the installation is done, and runs on 
more than 1 machine, please let me know!

I feel Kolla is pretty easy for operators to use and get their heads around.  I 
always ask new Operators to point out their top 3 pain points after eval.  When 
we started the project it was all over the place.  Now there doesn’t seem to be 
much if any pain points pointed out by Operators when operating Kolla.  A 
majority of people find it intuitive, well designed, and easy to operate and 
manage an OpenStack cloud long  term.  I personally think our top problem at 
this point is lack of documentation around operating Kolla long term – which 
will be rectified in May/June after Austin Summit concludes.

Most folks get a deployment going on bare metal in 1-2 hours – sometimes with a 
little help from the kolla irc channel #kolla on freenode.  Our community runs 
24 hours a day – so drop in if you have questions.  OSAD and Kolla are 
completely different experiences – the only thing they really have in common is 
the usage of Ansible as a dependency.

Kolla documentation is here:

The Kolla repository is here:

To find out more about the design check out this Ansible blog post:

In the recent user survey published, 1% of respondents are using Kolla in 
production, and 3% are using in testing.  This is up from zero in the last 
survey ;)  (Kolla entered the big tent 10 months ago, so the project is 
relatively fresh).  That said we have a small army of co-beta sites and 
developers so Linus's Law[1] applies.

Version 2.0.0 will be completely production ready when tagged and released on 
April 15th and implements deploy and operational management for CentOS, Oracle 
Linux, Ubuntu, and Debian with either from source or from packaging as build 
options.  On the deployment targets only docker-engine and docker-py are 
required as dependencies.

I'd love to have your feedback after an eval if you decide to undertake one.  
Ping me as sdake on the #openstack-kolla channel on freenode.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus%27s_Law

Thanks again,

Open Grid Scheduler - The Official Open Source Grid Engine

> Thanks for bringing this up,
> --
> Emilien Macchi
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