Shamail and Team,

Where are we I defining the activities for recognizing OpenStack Users? In my 
mind we have completed the definition and we agreed on:
AUC – Active User Contributor
We encourage the following activities:

  *   Organizers of any of the
  *   Active members and contributors to Functional Teams and/or Working Groups.
  *   Operators meet-up moderator
  *   Contributing to any repository under the UC governance (i.e. os-ops and 
user stories)
  *   Track chairs for OpenStack Summits
  *   Contributors to superuser (articles, interviews, user stories, etc.)
  *   Active moderators on ask.openstack
If all this make sense, Do we still need to have this WG?



From: Shamail <>
Date: Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 9:04 AM
To: "" <>, 
Subject: [Openstack-operators] [recognition] Non-ATC Recognition WG Meeting 
Today (5/12/2016)

Hi everyone,

The Non-ATC Recognition WG will be meeting today and the agenda has been posted 
on our wiki[1].  The team will be reviewing the results from working session in 
Austin in today's meeting.

Meeting information:
Date: 5/12
Time: 1900 UTC<x-apple-data-detectors://3>
IRC Channel: #openstack-meeting-3


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