
Le 27/05/2016 15:25, Markus Zoeller a écrit :
I don't see a benefit in leaving very old bug reports open when nobody
is working on it (again, a resource problem). Closing it (with "Won't
Fix") is explicit and easy to query. The information is not lost. This
does*not*  mean we don't care about the reported issues. It's simply
just more than we can currently handle.

Are you sure "won't fix" is the right message you want to convey to the
users that at least came to report something ?

Isn't there an "expired" status or something else better suited ?

"Won't fix" is a very strong message for a user.

At least put a message explaining this is not really "we don't want to
fix it" but "we expired old stale bugs"...

Vincent Legoll
EGI FedCloud task force
Cloud Computing at IdGC
France Grilles / CNRS / IPHC

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