Hi all,

We're up for a meeting:

Tuesday, 14 of Jun at 1400 UTC [1]

Exciting on the agenda this week is a report from the August 2016 Midcycle Venue selection crew. We need to make a decision on the venue for our next meetup so we have time left to organise it. Please come and help work it out!

See you in IRC[2], in the #openstack-operators channel.

Details about the group, and the link to the agenda etherpad, can be found at:




[1] To see this in your local time - check: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Ops+Meetups+Team&iso=20160614T22

[2] If you're new to IRC, there's a great guide here: http://docs.openstack.org/upstream-training/irc.html

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