Adam Spiers <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I doubt anyone would dispute that High Availability is a really
> important topic within OpenStack, yet none of the OpenStack
> conferences or Design Summits so far have provided an "official" track
> or similar dedicated space for discussion on HA topics.


> Other possible topics:
>   - Input from operators on their experiences of deployment,
>     maintenance, and effectiveness of highly available OpenStack
>     infrastructure

I'd like to follow up on this list specifically regarding this idea ...


> Whilst we do have the #openstack-ha IRC channel, weekly IRC meetings,
> and of course the mailing lists, I think it would be helpful to have
> an official space in the design summits for continuation of those
> technical discussions face-to-face.

How much appetite is there for an Ops fishbowl session in the
Barcelona design summit specifically as a forum for operators to
provide feedback on experiences with High Availability?  This would be
an opportunity for operators to bitc^H^H^H^Hpraise existing solutions
and provide feedback to developers on future changes in HA
architecture / functionality :-)

And if there is enough appetite, what's the best way to propose it
being added to the Ops track schedule?  Is it organised by the same
folks who organize other Ops meetups?


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