Thank you for the links, I wil lalso have a look at these ones :-)
Seems also very advanced to use for me to implement, but it also looks very
interesting, maybe a good firendship with the members of the "Large Deployment
Team" would be a really good ides ;-)
Thank you and have a nice weekend.
Kind regards,

> Tom Fifield <> hat am 30. September 2016 um 09:52
> geschrieben:
> On 30/09/16 14:06, Michael Stang wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I have a question if it is possible to connect 2 Openstack clouds to use
> > the ressources together?
> >
> > We have a Mitaka installation at our site and we have colleagues who
> > also have a mitaka installaton at their site which are both independent
> > at the moment. We want to create a site-to-site vpn tunnel between our 2
> > management networks (with openvpn) so that both installations can see
> > each other, and we searching now for a possibility to connect both together.
> >
> > Is there already some way to connect both controllers so the users of
> > the one site can also use the resources of the other site and start
> > instances there from their controller on the other controller?
> >
> > How is this done in large installations when 2 clouds should be
> > connected to each other? Is this even possible?
> Quick overview of various ways to do related things here:
> In short, you can run up another nova-api running nova-cells to be a
> "parent" of the two installations. Then your users (and horizon) can
> connect to that and see all the resources.
> Pretty advanced usage though, so you might want to become fast friends
> with the "Large Deployment Team", many of whom run this configuration :)
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Viele Grüße

Michael Stang
Laboringenieur, Dipl. Inf. (FH)

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim
ZeMath Zentrum für mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliches Basiswissen
Fachbereich Informatik, Fakultät Technik
Coblitzallee 1-9
68163 Mannheim

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