Excerpts from Jonathan Proulx's message of 2016-10-03 11:16:03 -0400:
> On Sat, Oct 01, 2016 at 02:39:38PM -0700, Clint Byrum wrote:
> :I know it's hard to believe, but this world was foretold long ago and
> :what you want requires no special equipment or changes to OpenStack,
> :just will-power.  You can achieve it now if you can use operating system
> :versions published in the last 5 or so years.
> :
> :The steps to do this:
> :
> :1) Fix your apps to work via IPv6
> :2) Fix your internal users to have v6 native
> :3) Attach your VMs and containers to a provider network with v6 subnets
> :4) Use IPSec and firewalls for critical isolation. (What we use L2
> :   separation for now)
> That *is* hard to belive :) IPv6 has been coming soon since I started
> in tech a very long time ago ... 
> I will consider that but I have a diverse set of users I don't
> control.  I *may* be able to apply pressure in the if you really need
> this then do the right thing, but I probably still want a v4 solution
> in my pocket.

Treat v4 as an internet-only, insecure, extra service that one must ask
for. It's extremely easy, with OpenStack, to provide both if people want
it, and just let them choose. Those who choose v4 only will find they
can't do some things, and have a clear incentive to change.

It's not that v6 is coming. It's here, knocking on your door. But,
like a vampire, you still have to invite it in.

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