> On 3 Nov 2016, at 16:21, Álvaro López García <al...@ifca.unican.es> wrote:
> On 01 Nov 2016 (12:59), Stig Telfer wrote:
>> Hi All - 
> Hi All,
>> We have a Scientific WG IRC meeting today at 2100 UTC on channel 
>> #openstack-meeting
>> The agenda is available here[1] and full IRC meeting details are here[2].
>> We’d like to follow up on the events at Barcelona, and plan activity areas 
>> for the Ocata design cycle.
>> If anyone would like to add an item for discussion on the agenda, it is also 
>> available in an etherpad[3].
> I could not attend the meeting (2100 UTC meetings are hard for me) and I
> am afraid I will not be able to join next week either.
> Nevertheless, I have read the minutes and the irc logs and you can count
> me on the (identity) federation part.

Hi Alvaro - thank you for volunteering, that’s great news!

Best wishes,

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