Dear all,

in the last days I'm looking around for an old link that I had on how to
configure "Provider networks with Open vSwitch"in Juno release.
I had the link
that now give s a nice "404"
Going to the Juno documentation - - one can
lcearly see that under the "Networking Guide" there is a lin pointing to
the "wrong" release -,
from where one can reach the:

None of the documents under the " Operations and Administration Guides "
point anymore to the "juno" version.

As we have still a/some testbed with the Juno version I would like to ask
you if you know of a place where "obsoleted" documentation is moved. As
there are still the installation guides for this version I would expect
that at least a trace of the Operation & Administration ones is kept.
At least as vintage collection I would like to be able to read it once more

Thank you very much for any information that you can provide,

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