Hi All,

Following is the meeting summary:

-          Launchpad data transformation to Fault Genes database

o   Discussed the design of a new web based database where we can upload info 
and query the database

o   Suli: will develop the database and he will be sending out the plans so all 
team members can review and provide their feedback

o   Michael: will port the latest image of the Launchpad database. He will 
ensure that we bring in all the related fields.

o   Jinzhang mentioned that for the data analysis is best to have the data in 
.csv format

-          Stackoverflow data capture

o   Michael is still working on extracting the applicable data from 
Stackoverflow site that could be used in conjunction with our Launchpad or 
other sources of data

o   He will use the input provided by Zsolt and create the environment on his 

-          User Interface for Operators

o   Suli will create the UI as part of his website design

o   We need to brainstorm on what is the best format to communicate with the 

-          Machine learning analysis process

o   Jinzhang provided valuable insights on how we can approach the machine 
learning in our application

o   He mentioned that this is a challenging machine learning project since it 
needs to be applied to natural language instead of some numbers or metrics

o   He suggested to create a training data set which will require OpenStack 

o   For the 1st version of the data we will focus on extracting the fault 
classification first

o   Then share this info with the community and get feedback from appropriate 

-          Collaboration with other projects such as Congress

o   Nemat is communicating with the Congress PTL on future collaboration and 
how Fault Genes data and output can support other projects

-          White Paper

o   Anni Lai suggested to write a white paper to help the community become more 
familiar on the concept that we working towards

o   Team agreed to support this effort

o   Nemat will put together the template and start the paper

o   The team will each contribute based on their areas of expertise


Nemat Bidokhti
Chief Architect, Cloud Resiliency
IT Product Line, Computing Lab
Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
Tel:         +1-408-330-4714
Cell:       +1-408-528-4909
Fax:        +1-408-330-5088
E-mail: nematollah.bidok...@huawei.com<mailto:nematollah.bidok...@huawei.com>
2330 Central Expressway
Santa Clara, CA 95050

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