Hello All

This is a reminder that the second meeting of the public cloud working
group will be held tomorrow ( Wednesday 21st December ) at 1400 UTC in

Draft agenda is on the etherpad at
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/publiccloud-wg, please feel free to

The main focus of the meeting will be to discuss goals and purpose, based
on the comments in the etherpad.

Could I also remind everyone to add to the sections on goals and purpose on
the etherpad - we really need everyone's input in order to push this
working group forward.

David Flanders has added a lot of great content and suggestions, I'd really
like to see more comments and thoughts from the group here - without
participation this group won't last.

Given we have several great nominations for chairs, and as discussed in our
last meeting, I have also put together a Doodle poll for voting on at


It's not possible to restrict voting to two choices on Doodle, so please
only choose two Yes options. We'll decide how long to keep the poll open
for in the meeting tomorrow.

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