The version is 3.6.2, but the issue that I believe is relevant is still not 

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Dorman [] 
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2017 6:00 PM
To: Ricardo Rocha; Sam Morrison
Cc: OpenStack Operators
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] RabbitMQ 3.6.x experience?

Great info, thanks so much for this.  We, too, have turned off stats collection 
some time ago (and haven’t really missed it.)

Tomáš, what minor version of 3.6 are you using?  We would probably go to 3.6.6 
if we upgrade.

Thanks again all!

On 1/9/17, 2:34 AM, "Ricardo Rocha" <> wrote:

    Same here, running 3.6.5 for (some) of the rabbit clusters.
    It's been stable over the last month (fingers crossed!), though:
    * gave up on stats collection (set to 60000 which makes it not so useful)
    * can still make it very sick with a couple of misconfigured clients
    (rabbit_retry_interval=1 and rabbit_retry_backoff=60 currently
    Some data from the neutron rabbit cluster (3 vm nodes, not all infra
    currently talks to neutron):
    * connections: ~8k
    * memory used per node: 2.5GB, 1.7GB, 0.1GB (the last one is less used
    due to a previous net partition i believe)
    * rabbit hiera configuration
    rabbitmq::cluster_partition_handling: 'autoheal'
      inet_dist_listen_min: 41055
      inet_dist_listen_max: 41055
      collect_statistics_interval: 60000
      reverse_dns_lookups: true
      vm_memory_high_watermark: 0.8
      SERVER_ERL_ARGS: "'+K true +A 128 +P 1048576'"
    rabbitmq::tcp_keepalive: true
    rabbitmq::tcp_backlog: 4096
    * package versions
    It's stable enough to keep scaling it up in the next couple months and
    see how it goes.
    On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 3:54 AM, Sam Morrison <> wrote:
    > We’ve been running 3.6.5 for sometime now and it’s working well.
    > 3.6.1 - 3.6.3 are unusable, we had lots of issues with stats DB and other
    > weirdness.
    > Our setup is a 3 physical node cluster with around 9k connections, average
    > around the 300 messages/sec delivery. We have the stats sample rate set to
    > default and it is working fine.
    > Yes we did have to restart the cluster to upgrade.
    > Cheers,
    > Sam
    > On 6 Jan 2017, at 5:26 am, Matt Fischer <> wrote:
    > MIke,
    > I did a bunch of research and experiments on this last fall. We are 
    > Rabbit 3.5.6 on our main cluster and 3.6.5 on our Trove cluster which has
    > significantly less load (and criticality). We were going to upgrade to 
    > everywhere but in the end decided not to, mainly because there was little
    > perceived benefit at the time. Our main issue is unchecked memory growth 
    > random times. I ended up making several config changes to the stats
    > collector and then we also restart it after every deploy and that solved 
    > (so far).
    > I'd say these were my main reasons for not going to 3.6 for our control
    > nodes:
    > In 3.6.x they re-wrote the stats processor to make it parallel. In every 
    > release since then, Pivotal has fixed bugs in this code. Then finally they
    > threw up their hands and said "we're going to make a complete rewrite in
    > 3.7/4.x" (you need to look through issues on Github to find this 
    > Out of the box with the same configs 3.6.5 used more memory than 3.5.6,
    > since this was our main issue, I consider this a negative.
    > Another issue is the ancient version of erlang we have with Ubuntu Trusty
    > (which we are working on) which made upgrades more complex/impossible
    > depending on the version.
    > Given those negatives, the main one being that I didn't think there would 
    > too many more fixes to the parallel statsdb collector in 3.6, we decided 
    > stick with 3.5.6. In the end the devil we know is better than the devil we
    > don't and I had no evidence that 3.6.5 would be an improvement.
    > I did decide to leave Trove on 3.6.5 because this would give us some 
    > time if 3.5.x became untenable we'd at least have had it up and running in
    > production and some data on it.
    > If statsdb is not a concern for you, I think this changes the math and 
    > you should use 3.6.x. I would however recommend at least going to 3.5.6,
    > it's been better than 3.3/3.4 was.
    > No matter what you do definitely read all the release notes. There are 
    > upgrades which require an entire cluster shutdown. The upgrade to 3.5.6 
    > not require this IIRC.
    > Here's the hiera for our rabbit settings which I assume you can translate:
    > rabbitmq::cluster_partition_handling: 'autoheal'
    > rabbitmq::config_variables:
    >   'vm_memory_high_watermark': '0.6'
    >   'collect_statistics_interval': 30000
    > rabbitmq::config_management_variables:
    >   'rates_mode': 'none'
    > rabbitmq::file_limit: '65535'
    > Finally, if you do upgrade to 3.6.x please report back here with your
    > results at scale!
    > On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 8:49 AM, Mike Dorman <> wrote:
    >> We are looking at upgrading to the latest RabbitMQ in an effort to ease
    >> some cluster failover issues we’ve been seeing.  (Currently on 3.4.0)
    >> Anyone been running 3.6.x?  And what has been your experience?  Any
    >> gottchas to watch out for?
    >> Thanks,
    >> Mike
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