On 23/02/17 03:12, Gonzalez Mendoza, Hector Isaac wrote:
Here the notes from our last Meeting on 02/16:

  * Eddie presented MySql Database proposal and the relation between
    data from Launchpad and OpenStack exceptions.
  * Shashank & Nish proposed clustering approach to analyze data.
  * Agreed on include ask.openstack.org as a data source. (Eddie &
    Shashank will work on that).
  * Isaac to create a Slack channel for Machine Learning guys to
    collaborate more dynamically.
  * Isaac to set recurring Machine Learning work session for the team.
  * Next step, connect database proposal with  exceptions UI.

Reminder: Weekly meeting is going to be held in the Skype link provided

Next Meeting (02/23) Agenda:

  * Review ARs
  * Set day and time for ML Work session
  * Database status (Eddie is in PTG, probably will skip this)
  * Structure for ask.openstack.org data.

There's a nice API for Askbot:



wget https://ask.openstack.org/api/v1/questions

  * Next steps


From: Hector Isaac Gonzalez Mendoza
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 2:46 PM
To: Nematollah Bidokhti <nematollah.bidok...@huawei.com
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] [Fault Genes] WG Weekly Meeting Summary

Nemat is going to be in China business trip, so I will run the meetings
for this week and the next. We will use Skype, NOT the ATT client.
Please refer to the link at the bottom to join. Same time:


  * Discuss Collaboration method for Machine Learning data analysis.
  * Team to discuss next steps on data analysis (probably include
  * Eddie and Suli to discuss next steps on Web based database
  * Status on collaboration with projects (Congress)
  * Watcher – What does it have in common and how can we collaborate?
    (Policy based actions using telemetry and machine learning algorithms)


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From: Nematollah Bidokhti <nematollah.bidok...@huawei.com
Date: Friday, February 10, 2017 at 12:52 PM
To: "'openstack-operators@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] [Fault Genes] WG Weekly Meeting Summary

Hi All,

Following is our meeting summary:

  * Zainab presented her work on creating the dictionary.
  * Suli talked about his plan and development of Fault Genes web based
  * Isaac discussed the logging research that he is doing.
  * The goal is for him to take more leadership in running the Logging WG.
  * There is a meeting with OSIC team regarding further collaboration on
    machine learning and Web based database.
  * Mike Turvey has been providing information and guidance on his
    development of the FI orchestration.
  * Since Nemat will be on China business trip, Isaac will run the
    meeting for the next two weeks.


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