Hi Matt,

> On 17 Mar 2017, at 01:41, Matt Riedemann <mriede...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/14/2017 4:11 AM, Arne Wiebalck wrote:
>> A first list of topics for the Cells v2 session is available here:
>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MIL-ops-cellsv2
>> Please feel free to add items you’d like to see discussed.
>> Thanks!
>> Belmiro & Arne
>> --
>> Arne Wiebalck
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> Hi,
> I've gone through the MIL ops midcycle etherpad for cells v2 [1] and left 
> some notes, answers, links to the PTG cells v2 recap, and some 
> questions/feedback of my own.

Thanks for updating the etherpad.

> Specifically, there was a request that some nova developers could be at the 
> ops meetup session and as noted in the etherpad, the fact this was happening 
> came as a late surprise to several of us. The developers are already trying 
> to get funding to the PTG and the summit (if they are lucky), and throwing in 
> a third travel venue is tough, especially with little to no direct advance 
> notice. Please ping us in IRC or direct email, or put it on the weekly nova 
> meeting agenda as a reminder. Then we can try and get someone there if 
> possible.

Great, thanks. I think the cells v2 session at the MIL ops meet up was somewhat 
special as none of the attendees (except for me) was
using cells v1, and only one site was already on Mitaka and had hence seen the 
first signs of v2 in its deployment. So, while these session
live from people sharing their experience, this one was more on the concept of 
cells and their advantages in general and then some theory
about v2 that I had prepared reading through release notes. That’s where I 
thought that for changes that are are 2 or 3 releases away for most
operators but that will be mandatory, a developer would be in much better 
position to give that overview and answer specific questions than I
was. This is of course not limited to nova, and I gave that feedback to Melvin 
as well for future ops meet-ups. 

Maybe it was simply a little too early for a cells v2 session :-)

> If you're going to be in Boston for the Forum and are interested in talking 
> about Nova, our topic brainstorming etherpad is here [2].
> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/MIL-ops-cellsv2
> [2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-Nova-brainstorming

As you probably saw on the etherpad, there is interest from the operators’ side 
in a discussion in Boston about cells v2, would be great if
we could make this happen.


Arne Wiebalck

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