Hi Chris, all

I think the meeting is now on "1400"UTC weekly.

The meeting is on #openstack-operators at 1500 UTC weekly.

On 2017/07/26 4:15, Chris Morgan wrote:
Hello All,
  We have a great proposal for the 1st ops meet up of 2018 to be held in
Tokyo on March 7th and 8th, please see
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetup-venue-discuss-1st-2018 for

To allow firm preparations to begin the openstack-operators meetups team
would like your input.

The Tokyo proposal meets the working criteria of both date and geo region
and there is no other current proposal. Therefore, unless there are
objections and or a counter-proposal, we agreed today that we will formally
approve this proposal during next weeks open meeting on IRC. Please either
attend this meeting on IRC or make your feedback known to a member of the
ops meetups team. Members are listed here

The meeting is on #openstack-operators at 1500 UTC weekly.



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Shintaro MIZUNO (水野伸太郎)
NTT Software Innovation Center
TEL: 0422-59-4977
E-mail: mizuno.shint...@lab.ntt.co.jp

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