
Thank you for reply.

In those days I've tested tempest and rally. I found rally more suited for my goals. Insofar I'd like to admit that it's too overloaded and when I start poking around I quickly stuck with 'verify' mode, which in turn stuck in our neutron configuration (we have no tenant-allocated networks, only public ones).

But after I found rally task start, and mangled samples a bit to fit to our needs, it really, really extremely close to what we want to have. I was disappointed by Ubuntu packaging (as usual) - their rally package broken and does not create any entry points at all. It worked much better in venv environment.

Probably I'll try to combine jenkins, grafana, kibana and rally together, may be even for periodic service validation.

Thank you for advice.

On 08/29/2017 11:34 PM, Boris Pavlovic wrote:

    (with reduction of load to normal levels),

Probably it's not the best idea just to run samples, they are called samples for the reason ;)

Basically you can run same Rally task two times before/after upgrade and compare results (Rally has sort of trends support)
Usually what I have heard from Ops guys is next:

  * Run Rally on periodic basis
  * Convert data Rally DB -> ElasticSearch
  * Build Kibana/Grafana on top

FYI I am working on making above scenario work out of the box.


So can you provide some more details on what you are looking for? What's missing?

Best regards,
Boris Pavlovic

On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 2:24 AM, George Shuklin <george.shuk...@gmail.com <mailto:george.shuk...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hello everyone.

    Does someone do regression testing before performing upgrade
    (within same major version)? How do you do this? Do you know any
    tools for such tests? I started to research this area, and I see
    three openstack-specific tools: rally (with reduction of load to
    normal levels), tempest (can it be used by operators?) and granade.

    If you use any of tools, how do you feel about them? Are they
    worth time spent?

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