
M->P will be non trivial. One way to do it, a bit slow but safest would be
to upgrade step by step through every intermediate release.

Make sure to read and follow every projects upgrade notes, for example Nova
added placement api during o->n upgrade which requires additional steps.

Good luck:)

On Dec 17, 2017 9:33 AM, "Sam Huracan" <nowitzki.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi OpenStackers,

I'm planning upgrading my OpenStack System. Currently version is Mitaka, on
Ubuntu 14.04.5.
I want to upgrade to latest version of Pike.

I've read some documents and know that Mitaka does not have Rolling
upgrade, which means there will have downtime in upgrade process.

Our system has 3 HA Controllers, all VMs and Storage were put in Ceph.

At the moment, I can list some step-by-step to upgrade:

   1. Upgrade OS to Ubuntu16.04
   2. Upgrage package in order: Mitaka -> Newton -> Ocata -> Pike
   3. Upgrade DB in order: Mitaka -> Newton -> Ocata -> Pike

Do I lack any step? Could you guys share me some experiences fulfil
solution, to reduce maximum downtime of system?

Thanks in advance.

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