
Isn't Fuel or TripleO something what You are looking for?

Best regards
Slawek Kaplonski

> Wiadomość napisana przez Flint WALRUS <gael.ther...@gmail.com> w dniu 
> 18.12.2017, o godz. 14:28:
> Hi everyone, I don't really know if this list is the good one, but I'll have 
> my bet on it :D
> Here I go.
> Since many times now, I'm managing  Openstack platforms, and one things that 
> always amazed me is its lack of comprehensive configuration management for 
> services within Horizon.
> Indeed, you can set and adapt pretty much everything within Horizon or the 
> CLI except for the services configuration.
> So here is a proposal regarding this issue:
> I think of it as a rework of the already existing system information panel 
> from the admin dashboard such as:
> Within the services tab, each service line would now be a clickable drop down 
> containing an additional subarray named configuration and listing the whole 
> available configurations options for this service with information such as:
> - Current value: default or value. (Dynamically editable by simply clicking 
> on it, write the new value on the INI file).
> - Default value: the default sane value. (Not editable default value of the 
> option).
> - Reload / Restart button. (a button enforcing the service to reload its 
> configuration).
> - Description: None or a short excerpt. (Not editable information about the 
> option meaning).
> - Documentation: None or a link to the option documentation. (Not editable).
> What do you think of it?
> PS: If this discussion should go with the horizon team rather than the 
> operational team, could someone help with this one as I didn't find any 
> mailing list related endpoint?
> Thanks a lot.
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