
just a short feedback to my previous post.

We switched from our self-written Python script to cloudkitty. We had to
make some commits to openstack-ansible, to integrate cloudkitty into our
installation but we got it working.

cloudkitty replaced our self-written script completely. We needed some time
to get used to it, but it reduced our maintenance.

We will have to write a converter for the json/csv reports generated by
cloudkitty, so we can import the data into our billing system. But we get
the complete data we need from cloudkitty which is worth a lot.

Our next steps:
- Perhaps migrate to gnocchi as cloudkitty storage backend. We will have to
test this first.
- The Horizon pages aren't that nice, especially the user-facing one. We
will have a look at that later. For now, we disabled it.


Christian Zunker <christian.zunker@codecentric.cloud> schrieb am Di., 8.
Mai 2018 um 08:36 Uhr:

> Hi,
> we are running a cloud based on openstack-ansible and now are trying to
> integrate cloudkitty for billing.
> Till now we used a self written python script to query ceilometer for
> needed data, but that got more tedious than we are willing to handle. We
> hope it gets much easier once cloudkitty is set up.
> regards
> Christian
>> From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <l...@redhat.com>
>> Date: Mo., 12. März 2018 um 20:27 Uhr
>> Subject: [Openstack-operators] How are you handling billing/chargeback?
>> To: openstack-operators@lists.openstack.org <
>> openstack-operators@lists.openstack.org>
>> Hey folks,
>> I'm curious what folks out there are using for chargeback/billing in
>> your OpenStack environment.
>> Are you doing any sort of chargeback (or showback)?  Are you using (or
>> have you tried) CloudKitty?  Or some other existing project?  Have you
>> rolled your own instead?
>> I ask because I am helping out some folks get a handle on the
>> operational side of their existing OpenStack environment, and they are
>> interested in but have not yet deployed some sort of reporting
>> mechanism.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Lars Kellogg-Stedman <l...@redhat.com> | larsks @ {irc,twitter,github}
>> http://blog.oddbit.com/                |
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