Hello Jean-Philippe,

thank you for your answer.
for the version I have this:

root@ansible-ws1:~# openstack-ansible --version
Variable files: "-e @/etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml -e 
@/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml "
  config file = /root/.ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/etc/ansible/roles/plugins/library']
  ansible python module location = 
  executable location = /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/ansible-playbook
  python version = 3.5.2 (default, Nov 23 2017, 16:37:01) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609]

EXIT NOTICE [Playbook execution success] **************************************

I'm trying to install the queens release of openstack.

My problem is that the servers that I'm using have their name defined as 
dcx-cy-blz (datacenter - chassis - blade). After installing openstack these 
names are reflected as the names of the hosts in nova.
We would like to have our compute nodes referenced as compute1, compute2 ....
We found that the "host" parameter of the nova.conf can be used for this. We've 
set an override for this in the user variables:

    host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.ourdomain"

The result was that the name in nova became OK, but when nova-compute was 
trying to start instances it was failing as interfaces were not created in the 
ovs br-int. It turned out that we need the same host setting for neutron as 
well ...

so I decided to add a similar entry for the neutron.conf as well, but then in the 
neutron,conf on the neutron-server we had a name of the form 
"network1_neutron_server_container-HASH.ourdomain". And the neutron server was 
complaining that this is not a valid hostname (I suppose due to the underscores that 
appears in the name ... ).

So right now I'm looking for a way to set that host parameter in the 
neutron.conf and nova.conf only on the compute nodes.

Thank you,

On 20.08.2018 17:28, jean-phili...@evrard.me wrote:
In this example the override is part of a compute host definition and there it is in the 
host_vars section (compute_hosts -> 900089-compute001 -> host_vars -> 
override). Is it possible to apply such an override for all the compute hosts by not 
using the hostname? For instance something like:

" compute_hosts:
            remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds: 43200

You can set nova_nova_conf_overrides: into a file named 
/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml and it will apply on all your nodes.

If you want to be more surgical, you'd have to give more details about your 
OpenStack-Ansible version and what you're trying to achieve.

Jean-Philippe Evrard (evrardjp)

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