On 9/5/2018 8:47 AM, Mohammed Naser wrote:
Could placement not do what happened for a while when the nova_api
database was created?

Can you be more specific? I'm having a brain fart here and not remembering what you are referring to with respect to the nova_api DB.

I say this because I know that moving the database is a huge task for
us, considering how big it can be in certain cases for us, and it
means control plane outage too

I'm pretty sure you were in the room in YVR when we talked about how operators were going to do the database migration and were mostly OK with what was discussed, which was a lot will just copy and take the downtime (I think CERN said around 10 minutes for them, but they aren't a public cloud either), but others might do something more sophisticated and nova shouldn't try to pick the best fit for all.

I'm definitely interested in what you do plan to do for the database migration to minimize downtime.

+openstack-operators ML since this is an operators discussion now.




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