On 9/12/2018 5:32 PM, Melvin Hillsman wrote:
We basically spent the day focusing on two things specific to what you bring up and are in agreement with you regarding action not just talk around feedback and outreach. [1] We wiped the agenda clean, discussed our availability (set reasonable expectations), and revisited how we can be more diligent and successful around these two principles which target your first comment, "...get their RFE/bug list ranked from the operator community (because some of the requests are not exclusive to public cloud), and then put pressure on the TC to help project manage the delivery of the top issue..."

I will not get into much detail because again this response is specific to a portion of your email so in keeping with feedback and outreach the UC is making it a point to be intentional. We have already got action items [2] which target the concern you raise. We have agreed to hold each other accountable and adjusted our meeting structure to facilitate being successful.

Not that the UC (elected members) are the only ones who can do this but we believe it is our responsibility to; regardless of what anyone else does. The UC is also expected to enlist others and hopefully through our efforts others are encouraged participate and enlist others.

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/uc-stein-ptg
[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/UC-Election-Qualifications

Awesome, thank you Melvin and others on the UC.




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