On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 8:13 AM Ghanshyam Mann <gm...@ghanshyammann.com>

>  ---- On Sat, 29 Sep 2018 03:54:01 +0900 Lance Bragstad <
> lbrags...@gmail.com> wrote ----
>  >
>  > On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 1:03 PM Harry Rybacki <hryba...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>  > On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 1:57 PM Morgan Fainberg
>  >  <morgan.fainb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  >  >
>  >  > Ideally I would like to see it in the form of least specific to most
> specific. But more importantly in a way that there is no additional
> delimiters between the service type and the resource. Finally, I do not
> like the change of plurality depending on action type.
>  >  >
>  >  > I propose we consider
>  >  >
>  >  > <service-type>:<resource>:<action>[:<subaction>]
>  >  >
>  >  > Example for keystone (note, action names below are strictly examples
> I am fine with whatever form those actions take):
>  >  > identity:projects:create
>  >  > identity:projects:delete
>  >  > identity:projects:list
>  >  > identity:projects:get
>  >  >
>  >  > It keeps things simple and consistent when you're looking through
> overrides / defaults.
>  >  > --Morgan
>  >  +1 -- I think the ordering if `resource` comes before
>  >  `action|subaction` will be more clean.
>  >
>  > ++
>  > These are excellent points. I especially like being able to omit the
> convention about plurality. Furthermore, I'd like to add that I think we
> should make the resource singular (e.g., project instead or projects). For
> example:
>  > compute:server:list
>  >
> compute:server:updatecompute:server:createcompute:server:deletecompute:server:action:rebootcompute:server:action:confirm_resize
> (or confirm-resize)
> Do we need "action" word there? I think action name itself should convey
> the operation. IMO below notation without "äction" word looks clear enough.
> what you say?
> compute:server:reboot
> compute:server:confirm_resize

I agree. I simplified this in the current version up for review.

> -gmann
>  >
>  > Otherwise, someone might mistake compute:servers:get, as "list". This
> is ultra-nick-picky, but something I thought of when seeing the usage of
> "get_all" in policy names in favor of "list."
>  > In summary, the new convention based on the most recent feedback should
> be:
>  > <service-type>:<resource>:<action>[:<subaction>]
>  > Rules:service-type is always defined in the service types authority
>  > resources are always singular
>  > Thanks to all for sticking through this tedious discussion. I
> appreciate it.
>  >  /R
>  >
>  >  Harry
>  >  >
>  >  > On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 6:49 AM Lance Bragstad <lbrags...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  >  >>
>  >  >> Bumping this thread again and proposing two conventions based on
> the discussion here. I propose we decide on one of the two following
> conventions:
>  >  >>
>  >  >> <service-type>:<action>:<resource>
>  >  >>
>  >  >> or
>  >  >>
>  >  >> <service-type>:<action>_<resource>
>  >  >>
>  >  >> Where <service-type> is the corresponding service type of the
> project [0], and <action> is either create, get, list, update, or delete. I
> think decoupling the method from the policy name should aid in consistency,
> regardless of the underlying implementation. The HTTP method specifics can
> still be relayed using oslo.policy's DocumentedRuleDefault object [1].
>  >  >>
>  >  >> I think the plurality of the resource should default to what makes
> sense for the operation being carried out (e.g., list:foobars,
> create:foobar).
>  >  >>
>  >  >> I don't mind the first one because it's clear about what the
> delimiter is and it doesn't look weird when projects have something like:
>  >  >>
>  >  >> <service-type>:<action>:<subaction>:<resource>
>  >  >>
>  >  >> If folks are ok with this, I can start working on some
> documentation that explains the motivation for this. Afterward, we can
> figure out how we want to track this work.
>  >  >>
>  >  >> What color do you want the shed to be?
>  >  >>
>  >  >> [0] https://service-types.openstack.org/service-types.json
>  >  >> [1]
> https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.policy/latest/reference/api/oslo_policy.policy.html#default-rule
>  >  >>
>  >  >> On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 9:13 AM Lance Bragstad <lbrags...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 2:10 AM Ghanshyam Mann <
> gm...@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>>  ---- On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 18:43:00 +0900 John Garbutt <
> j...@johngarbutt.com> wrote ----
>  >  >>>>  > tl;dr+1 consistent names
>  >  >>>>  > I would make the names mirror the API... because the Operator
> setting them knows the API, not the codeIgnore the crazy names in Nova, I
> certainly hate them
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>> Big +1 on consistent naming  which will help operator as well as
> developer to maintain those.
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>>  >
>  >  >>>>  > Lance Bragstad <lbrags...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  >  >>>>  > > I'm curious if anyone has context on the "os-" part of the
> format?
>  >  >>>>  >
>  >  >>>>  > My memory of the Nova policy mess...* Nova's policy rules
> traditionally followed the patterns of the code
>  >  >>>>  > ** Yes, horrible, but it happened.* The code used to have the
> OpenStack API and the EC2 API, hence the "os"* API used to expand with
> extensions, so the policy name is often based on extensions** note most of
> the extension code has now gone, including lots of related policies* Policy
> in code was focused on getting us to a place where we could rename policy**
> Whoop whoop by the way, it feels like we are really close to something
> sensible now!
>  >  >>>>  > Lance Bragstad <lbrags...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  >  >>>>  > Thoughts on using create, list, update, and delete as opposed
> to post, get, put, patch, and delete in the naming convention?
>  >  >>>>  > I could go either way as I think about "list servers" in the
> API.But my preference is for the URL stub and POST, GET, etc.
>  >  >>>>  >  On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 9:47 PM Lance Bragstad <
> lbrags...@gmail.com> wrote:If we consider dropping "os", should we
> entertain dropping "api", too? Do we have a good reason to keep "api"?I
> wouldn't be opposed to simple service types (e.g "compute" or
> "loadbalancer").
>  >  >>>>  > +1The API is known as "compute" in api-ref, so the policy
> should be for "compute", etc.
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>> Agree on mapping the policy name with api-ref as much as
> possible. Other than policy name having 'os-', we have 'os-' in resource
> name also in nova API url like /os-agents, /os-aggregates etc (almost every
> resource except servers , flavors).  As we cannot get rid of those from API
> url, we need to keep the same in policy naming too? or we can have policy
> name like compute:agents:create/post but that mismatch from api-ref where
> agents resource url is os-agents.
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> Good question. I think this depends on how the service does policy
> enforcement.
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> I know we did something like this in keystone, which required
> policy names and method names to be the same:
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>   "identity:list_users": "..."
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> Because the initial implementation of policy enforcement used a
> decorator like this:
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>   from keystone import controller
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>   @controller.protected
>  >  >>>   def list_users(self):
>  >  >>>       ...
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> Having the policy name the same as the method name made it easier
> for the decorator implementation to resolve the policy needed to protect
> the API because it just looked at the name of the wrapped method. The
> advantage was that it was easy to implement new APIs because you only
> needed to add a policy, implement the method, and make sure you decorate
> the implementation.
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> While this worked, we are moving away from it entirely. The
> decorator implementation was ridiculously complicated. Only a handful of
> keystone developers understood it. With the addition of system-scope, it
> would have only become more convoluted. It also enables a much more
> copy-paste pattern (e.g., so long as I wrap my method with this decorator
> implementation, things should work right?). Instead, we're calling
> enforcement within the controller implementation to ensure things are
> easier to understand. It requires developers to be cognizant of how
> different token types affect the resources within an API. That said,
> coupling the policy name to the method name is no longer a requirement for
> keystone.
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> Hopefully, that helps explain why we needed them to match.
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>> Also we have action API (i know from nova not sure from other
> services) like POST /servers/{server_id}/action {addSecurityGroup} and
> their current policy name is all inconsistent.  few have policy name
> including their resource name like
> "os_compute_api:os-flavor-access:add_tenant_access", few has 'action' in
> policy name like "os_compute_api:os-admin-actions:reset_state" and few has
> direct action name like "os_compute_api:os-console-output"
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> Since the actions API relies on the request body and uses a single
> HTTP method, does it make sense to have the HTTP method in the policy name?
> It feels redundant, and we might be able to establish a convention that's
> more meaningful for things like action APIs. It looks like cinder has a
> similar pattern [0].
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> [0]
> https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/block-storage/v3/index.html#volume-actions-volumes-action
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>> May be we can make them consistent with
> <service-type>:<resource>:<action_with_snake_case> or any better opinion.
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>>  > From: Lance Bragstad <lbrags...@gmail.com>> The topic of
> having consistent policy names has popped up a few times this week.
>  >  >>>>  >
>  >  >>>>  > I would love to have this nailed down before we go through all
> the policy rules again. In my head I hope in Nova we can go through each
> policy rule and do the following:
>  >  >>>>  > * move to new consistent policy name, deprecate existing name*
> hardcode scope check to project, system or user** (user, yes... keypairs,
> yuck, but its how they work)** deprecate in rule scope checks, which are
> largely bogus in Nova anyway* make read/write/admin distinction** therefore
> adding the "noop" role, amount other things
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>> + policy granularity.
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>> It is good idea to make the policy improvement all together and
> for all rules as you mentioned. But my worries is how much load it will be
> on operator side to migrate all policy rules at same time? What will be the
> deprecation period etc which i think we can discuss on proposed spec -
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/547850
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> Yeah, that's another valid concern. I know at least one operator
> has weighed in already. I'm curious if operators have specific input here.
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> It ultimately depends on if they override existing policies or
> not. If a deployment doesn't have any overrides, it should be a relatively
> simple change for operators to consume.
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>> -gmann
>  >  >>>>
>  >  >>>>  > Thanks,John
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