Hi everyone,

Friendly reminder that the ticket price for the OpenStack Summit Berlin 
increases today, October 24 at 11:59pm PDT (October 25 at 6:59 UTC). Also, ALL 
registration codes (sponsor, speaker, ATC, AUC) will expire on November 2.

Register now before the price increases!  

Once you have registered, make sure to download the mobile app 
<https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/mobile-apps/> and plan your 
personal Summit schedule 
Don’t forget to RSVP to intensive trainings 
<https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/summit-schedule/#track=263> as 
this is the only way you will be guaranteed a spot in the room! 

If you have any Summit related questions, please email sum...@openstack.org 


Kendall Waters
OpenStack Marketing & Events

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