Hrmmm it isn't going so well:

root@test1# ip a s dev eth0
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen
    link/ether 00:25:90:10:00:78 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
    inet brd scope global secondary eth0
    inet scope global secondary eth0
    inet6 fe80::225:90ff:fe10:78/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

root@test1# ipvsadm -L -n
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP wlc persistent 600
  ->               Masq    100    0          1
  ->               Masq    100    0          0
TCP wlc persistent 600
  ->              Masq    100    0          0
  ->              Masq    100    0          0

root@test1# iptables -L -v -tnat
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 283 packets, 24902 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 253 packets, 15256 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 509 packets, 37182 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 196 packets, 12010 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source
  277 16700 MASQUERADE  all  --  any    eth0    anywhere

root@test1:~# export OS_AUTH_URL="";
root@test1:~# keystone user-list
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneclient.client"
Unable to communicate with identity service: [Errno 113] No route to host.
(HTTP 400)

I still have some debugging to do with tcpdump, but I thought I would post
my initial results.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Sébastien Han <>wrote:

> Well if you follow my article, you will get LVS-NAT running. It's fairly
> easy, no funky stuff. Yes you will probably need the postrouting rule, as
> usual :). Let me know how it goes ;)
> --
> Regards,
> Sébastien Han.
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 8:51 PM, Samuel Winchenbach <>wrote:
>> I
>> didn't give NAT a shot because it didn't seem as well documented.
>> I will give NAT a shot.  Will I need to enable to iptables and add a rule
>> to the nat table?   None of the documentation mentioned that but every time
>> I have ever done NAT I had to setup a rule like... iptables -t nat -A
>> Thanks for helping me with this.
>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Sébastien Han 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Ok but why direct routing instead of NAT? If the public IPs are _only_
>>> on LVS there is no point to use LVS-DR.
>>> LVS has the public IPs and redirects to the private IPs, this _must_
>>> work.
>>> Did you try NAT? Or at least can you give it a shot?
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Sébastien Han.
>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:55 PM, Samuel Winchenbach <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Sure...  I have undone these settings but I saved a copy:
>>> >
>>> > two hosts:
>>> > test1 eth0: eth1: 130.x.x.x/24
>>> > test2 eth0: eth1: 130.x.x.x/24
>>> >
>>> > VIP:  (just for testing, later I would add a 130.x.x.x/24
>>> VIP for
>>> > public APIs
>>> >
>>> > k
>>> > eystone is bound to on test1 and on test2
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > in /etc/sysctl.conf:
>>> >    net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore = 1
>>> >    net.ipv4.conf.eth0.arp_ignore = 1
>>> >    net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce = 2
>>> >    net.ipv4.conf.eth0.arp_announce = 2
>>> >
>>> > root# sysctl -p
>>> >
>>> > in /etc/sysctl.conf:
>>> >
>>> > checktimeout=
>>> > 3
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > checkinterval=
>>> > 5
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > autoreload=
>>> > yes
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > logfile="/var/log/ldirectord.log"
>>> >
>>> > quiescent=no
>>> >
>>> > virtual=
>>> >
>>> > real=10.2
>>> > 1
>>> > .0.1:5000 gate
>>> >
>>> > real=10.2
>>> > 1
>>> > .0.2:5000 gate
>>> >
>>> > scheduler=
>>> > w
>>> > rr
>>> >       protocol=tcp
>>> >       checktype=connect
>>> >       checkport=5000
>>> >
>>> > virtual=
>>> > 35357
>>> >
>>> > real=10.2
>>> > 1
>>> > .0.1:
>>> > 35357
>>> > gate
>>> >
>>> > real=10.2
>>> > 1
>>> > .0.2:
>>> > 35357
>>> > gate
>>> >
>>> > scheduler=
>>> > w
>>> > rr
>>> >       protocol=tcp
>>> >       checktype=connect
>>> >       checkport=35357
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > crm shell:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > primitive
>>> > p_openstack_
>>> > ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > op monitor interval="60" timeout="20" \
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > params ip=
>>> > "
>>> > "
>>> > cidr_netmask="
>>> > 16
>>> > "
>>> > lvs_support="true"
>>> >
>>> > p
>>> > rimitive
>>> > p_openstack_ip_lo
>>> >  ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > op monitor interval="60" timeout="20" \
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > params ip="
>>> >
>>> > " nic="lo"
>>> > cidr_netmask="32"
>>> >
>>> > primitive
>>> > p_openstack_
>>> > lvs ocf:heartbeat:ldirectord \
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > op monitor interval="20" timeout="10"
>>> >
>>> > group
>>> > g_openstack_
>>> > ip
>>> > _
>>> > lvs
>>> > p_openstack_
>>> > ip
>>> > p_openstack_
>>> > lvs
>>> >
>>> > clone
>>> > c_openstack_ip_lo
>>> >
>>> > p_openstack_ip_lo
>>> > meta interleave="true"
>>> >
>>> > colocation
>>> > co_openstack_lo_never_lvs
>>> > -inf: c
>>> > _openstack_ip_lo
>>> >
>>> > g_openstack_ip_lvs
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for taking a look at this.
>>> >
>>> > Sam
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:54 AM, Sébastien Han <
>>> > wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Hum I don't see the problem, it's possible to load-balance VIPs with
>>> LVS,
>>> >> there are just IPs... Can I see your conf?
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> Regards,
>>> >> Sébastien Han.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:34 PM, Samuel Winchenbach <
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> W
>>> >>> ell, I think I will have to go with one ip per service and forget
>>> about
>>> >>> load balancing.  It seems as though with LVS routing requests
>>> internally
>>> >>> through the VIP is difficult (impossible?) at least with LVS-DR.  It
>>> seems
>>> >>> like a shame not to be able to distribute the work among the
>>> controller
>>> >>> nodes.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Samuel Winchenbach <
>>> >>> wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Hi Sébastien,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I have two hosts with public interfaces with a number (~8) compute
>>> nodes
>>> >>>> behind them.   I am trying to set the two public nodes in for HA
>>> and load
>>> >>>> balancing,  I plan to run all the openstack services on these two
>>> nodes in
>>> >>>> Active/Active where possible.   I currently have MySQL and RabbitMQ
>>> setup in
>>> >>>> pacemaker with a drbd backend.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> That is a quick summary.   If there is anything else I can answer
>>> about
>>> >>>> my setup please let me know.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Thanks,
>>> >>>> Sam
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Sébastien Han <
>>> >>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Well I don't know your setup, if you use LB for API service or if
>>> you
>>> >>>>> use an active/passive pacemaker but at the end it's not that much
>>> IPs I
>>> >>>>> guess. I dare to say that Keepalived sounds outdated to me...
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> If you use pacemaker and want to have the same IP for all the
>>> resources
>>> >>>>> simply create a resource group with all the openstack service
>>> inside it
>>> >>>>> (it's ugly but if it's what you want :)). Give me more info about
>>> your setup
>>> >>>>> and we can go further in the discussion :).
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> --
>>> >>>>> Regards,
>>> >>>>> Sébastien Han.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Samuel Winchenbach
>>> >>>>> <> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> T
>>> >>>>>> he only real problem is that it would consume a lot of IP
>>> addresses
>>> >>>>>> when exposing the public interfaces.   I _think_ I may have the
>>> solution in
>>> >>>>>> your blog actually:
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> and
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> I am trying to weigh the pros and cons of this method vs
>>> >>>>>> keepalived/haproxy and just biting the bullet and using one IP
>>> per service.
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 4:17 AM, Sébastien Han
>>> >>>>>> <> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> What's the problem to have one IP on service pool basis?
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> --
>>> >>>>>>> Regards,
>>> >>>>>>> Sébastien Han.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 8:45 PM, Samuel Winchenbach
>>> >>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> What if the VIP is created on a different host than keystone is
>>> >>>>>>>> started on?   It seems like you either need to set
>>> net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind
>>> >>>>>>>> = 1 or create a colocation in pacemaker (which would either
>>> require all
>>> >>>>>>>> services to be on the same host, or have an ip-per-service).
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Razique Mahroua
>>> >>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> There we go
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Razique Mahroua - Nuage & Co
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Tel : +33 9 72 37 94 15
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Le 13 févr. 2013 à 20:15, Razique Mahroua
>>> >>>>>>>>> <> a écrit :
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> I'm currently updating that part of the documentation - indeed
>>> it
>>> >>>>>>>>> states that two IPs are used, but in fact, you end up with
>>> only one VIP for
>>> >>>>>>>>> the API service.
>>> >>>>>>>>> I'll send the patch tonight
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Razique Mahroua - Nuage & Co
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Tel : +33 9 72 37 94 15
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> <NUAGECO-LOGO-Fblan_petit.jpg>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Le 13 févr. 2013 à 20:05, Samuel Winchenbach <
>>>> a
>>> >>>>>>>>> écrit :
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> In that documentation it looks like each openstack service
>>> gets it
>>> >>>>>>>>> own IP (keystone is being assigned and glance
>>> is getting
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> I might be missing something too because in the section titled
>>> >>>>>>>>> "Configure the VIP" it create a primitive called "p_api-ip"
>>> (or p_ip_api if
>>> >>>>>>>>> you read the text above it) and then in "Adding Keystone
>>> resource to
>>> >>>>>>>>> Pacemaker" it creates a group with "p_ip_keystone"???
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Stranger yet, "Configuring OpenStack Services to use High
>>> Available
>>> >>>>>>>>> Glance API" says:  "For Nova, for example, if your Glance API
>>> service IP
>>> >>>>>>>>> address is as in the configuration explained
>>> here, you would
>>> >>>>>>>>> use the following line in your nova.conf file :
>>> glance_api_servers =
>>> >>>>>>>>>"  But, in the step before it set:
>>>  "registry_host =
>>> >>>>>>>>>"?
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> So I am not sure which ip you would connect to here...
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Sam
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:29 PM, JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso
>>> >>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Hi Samuel:
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Yes, it's possible with pacemaker. Look at
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>> >>>>>>>>>> JuanFra
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 2013/2/13 Samuel Winchenbach <>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I currently have a HA OpenStack cluster running where the
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> OpenStack services are kept alive with a combination of
>>> haproxy and
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> keepalived.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Is it possible to configure pacemaker so that all the
>>> OpenStack
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> services  are served by the same IP?  With keepalived I have
>>> a virtual ip
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> that can move from server to server and haproxy sends the
>>> request to a
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> machine that has a "live" service.   This allows one
>>> (public) ip to handle
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> all incoming requests.  I believe it is the combination of
>>> VRRP/IPVS that
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> allows this.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Is it possible to do something similar with pacemaker?  I
>>> really
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> don't want to have an IP for each service, and I don't want
>>> to make it a
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> requirement that all OpenStack services must be running on
>>> the same server.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thanks... I hope this question is clear, I feel like I sort
>>> of
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> butchered the wording a bit.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Sam
>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
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