Highlights of the week

     Important CLA changes coming in 10 days

Starting on February 24, 2013 all contributors MUST review and agree to the new OpenStack Individual Contributor License Agreement and provide updated contact information at https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/agreements. On that day the Gerrit interface will be changing to present the new CLA text referring to the OpenStack Foundation, and will prompt you to agree to it there. Any previous agreement with OpenStack LLC will be marked expired at that time. The text of the new agreement is available for your convenience <https://review.openstack.org/static/cla.html> (just changes “LLC” to “Foundation” and corrects a few typographical errors). You must also sign up for an OpenStack Foundation Individual Membership with the same E-mail address as used for your Gerrit contact information: http://openstack.org/register/.

     OpenStack Object Storage (aka Swift) for new contributors

As a developer, jumping into a mature codebase can be somewhat daunting. How is the code structured? What is the request flow? What’s the process for getting my changes contributed upstream? Find answers to these questions on this post by SwiftStack.

     Evolution of the incubation process

The Technical Committee approved a set of changes to the incubation process, the process through which a project becomes part of the co-ordinated, integrated OpenStack release. One of the visible change is the switch from using the term “Core projects” to “Integrated”.

     Upstream University at the OpenStack summit

Upstream University is organizing a session <http://upstream-university.org/apply/> in advance of the next OpenStack summit <http://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/>, in Portland. If you can fly in two days ahead of the event to spend the weekend improving your OpenStack contribution skills, please consider submitting an application <http://upstream-university.org/apply/> to attend the workshop.

     Python trademark at risk in Europe: Python Foundation needs your

For anyone who works in a company that has an office in a EU Community member state, the Python Software Foundation needs your help. There is a company in the UK that is trying to trademark the use of the term “Python” for all software, services, servers… pretty much anything having to do with a computer. The PSF is asking a letter on company letterhead to forward to their EU counsel. More details on PSF <http://PSF/>News <http://pyfound.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/python-trademark-at-risk-in-europe-we.html?m=1>.

     Report of Openstack project on SF State University campus

Two students (Brandon Lai and Pascal Schuele) under supervision of prof. Sameer Verma worked on exploring the cloud computing space in Fall 2012. They built a demo/prototype of a private cloud platform on campus and presented at the end of the semester. Prof. Verma hopes to continue to expand this project in Spring 2013.

   Security Advisories

 * CVE-2013-0247 : Keystone denial of service through invalid token

   Tips and Tricks

 * By Matthias Runge <http://www.matthias-runge.de/>: How to create a
   custom theme for Horizon
 * By Julien Danjou <http://julien.danjou.info/blog/>: Cloud tools for
   Debian <http://julien.danjou.info/blog/2013/cloud-init-utils-debian>
 * By Derek Higgins <http://goodsquishy.com/>: Looking for a Fedora 18
   qcow2 image to use on openstack

   Upcoming Events

 * Second Swiss OpenStack User Group Meeting
   <http://www.meetup.com/zhgeeks/events/97648722/> Feb 19, 2013 –
   Zurich, Switzerland Details
 * SCALE 11x <https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale11x/> Feb 22 – 24,
   2013 – Los Angeles, CA Details
 * OpenStack Delhi NCR Meetup
   <http://www.meetup.com/Indian-OpenStack-User-Group/events/102301202/> Feb
   22, 2013 – India Details
 * OpenStack in Production at Scale
   <http://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-NjZdcegA/events/103564202/> Feb
   28, 2013 – Chicago, IL Details
 * Pulse Open Cloud Summit
   03, 2013 – MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV Details
 * Pulse 2013
   <https://www-01.ibm.com/software/tivoli/pulse/agenda/index.html> Mar
   04 – 06, 2013 – Las Vegas, NV Details
 * OpenStack Day Tokyo 2013 <http://openstackdays.com/en/> Mar 12, 2013
   – Tokyo, Japan Details <http://openstackdays.com/en/>
 * OpenStack Italia User Group: …dove eravamo rimasti?
   <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-User-Group-Italia/events/102481022/> Mar
   14, 2013 – Milano, Italy Details
 * OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) API Sprint at PyCon 2013
   <https://us.pycon.org/2013/community/sprints/swift/> Mar 18, 2013 –
   Santa Clara, CA Details
 * OpenStack Developers Meetup
   <http://www.meetup.com/openstack-atlanta/> Mar 21, 2013 – Atlanta,
   GA Details <http://www.meetup.com/openstack-atlanta/>
 * 1st OpenStack User Group Nordics meetup
   <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-User-Group-Nordics/events/95258382/> Apr
   03, 2013 – Kista, Sweden Details
 * OpenStack Summit April 2013
   <http://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/> Apr 15 – 18, 2013 –
   Portland, OR Details <http://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/>
 * OpenStack Israel <http://www.openstack.org/> May 27, 2013 –
   Tel-Aviv, Israel Coming Soon <http://www.openstack.org/>

   Other News

 * February 12th OpenStack Foundation Board Meeting
 * XenAPINFS – Integrated with Glance
 * OpenStack Project Meeting: Summary
   and full logs

   Welcome New Contributors

Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:

 * Tim Potter, HP
 * Jean-Baptiste RANSY, Alyseo
 * Nicholas Kuechler
 * Adalberto Medeiros, IBM

/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please leave a comment./

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