> Hi,
> Thanks for info.
> " And then boot an instance from volume using this image."
> Does it mean that ,by booting in that way such an image , it will be  created 
>  a volume
> "dedicated" for this instance ?

> Then I may stop this instance and run it on another compute node ? or migrate 
> it "live"
> to another compute node ?

Yes, You can migrate this instance to another compute.

Mitsuhiro Tanino
> Regards,
> J.P.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mitsuhiro.tan...@hds.com [mailto:mitsuhiro.tan...@hds.com]
> Sent: jeudi 2 juin 2016 20:12
> To: Jean-Pierre Ribeauville; openstack@lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [Openstack] cinder_img_volume_type value for a NFS shared 
> storage ...
> Hi Jean-Pierre,
> > Related to my use case ,  what  should be the value of the
> > cinder_img_volume_type property I've to add to the image :/ nfstype or
> > nfsbackend ?/
> You need to choose a glance image which has "nfstype" volume_type in the 
> property
> cinder_img_volume_type.
> If you don't have a image which has cinder_img_volume_type, then you can add 
> using glance
> image-update like this.
> $ glance image-update 1a88d5b1-3fa5-4d4c-bbad-f9d8e17de4be --property
> cinder_img_volume_type=nfstype
> +------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | Property               | Value                                |
> +------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> | checksum               | 0fef54b59af5c13294d7ceea8e96e9f6     |
> | cinder_img_volume_type | nfstype                              |
> | container_format       | bare                                 |
> | created_at             | 2016-05-05T00:21:16Z                 |
> | disk_format            | qcow2                                |
> | id                     | 1a88d5b1-3fa5-4d4c-bbad-f9d8e17de4be |
> | min_disk               | 0                                    |
> | min_ram                | 0                                    |
> | name                   | fc20                                 |
> | owner                  | d0bcc647ca1b48758694dde4685a9764     |
> | protected              | False                                |
> | size                   | 220790784                            |
> | status                 | active                               |
> | tags                   | []                                   |
> | updated_at             | 2016-06-02T18:04:15Z                 |
> | virtual_size           | None                                 |
> | visibility             | public                               |
> +------------------------+--------------------------------------+
> And then boot an instance from volume using this image.
> Thanks,
> Mitsuhiro Tanino
> On 06/02/2016 09:15 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> > In order to us NFS backend , and following this article :
> >
> >
> >
> > /https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__access.redhat.co
> > m_articles_1323213_&d=CwIFAg&c=DZ-EF4pZfxGSU6MfABwx0g&r=klD1krzABGW034
> > E9oBtY1xmIn3g7xZAIxV0XxaZpkJE&m=PbObbnirSgWTKX6gg9QKCR8hLheeVq2Sgvkb--
> > ZY8w8&s=Ljfr0Uzvxcv2HNRakSBRmD4Zz1s40WHh6dtNe8uFVag&e=
> >
> >
> >
> > I've created a new nfstype within cinder .
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > /# *cinder extra-specs-list*/
> >
> > /+--------------------------------------+---------+-------------------
> > ----------------------+/
> >
> > /|                  ID                  |   Name  |               
> > extra_specs
> |/
> >
> > /+--------------------------------------+---------+-------------------
> > ----------------------+/
> >
> > /| bbff44b5-52b1-43d6-beb4-83aa2d20bc59 | nfstype |
> > {u'volume_backend_name': u'nfsbackend'} |/
> >
> > /| f8d31dc8-a20e-410c-81bf-6b0a971c61a0 |  iscsi  |     
> > {u'volume_backend_name':
> u'lvm'}    |/
> >
> > /+--------------------------------------+---------+-------------------
> > ----------------------+/
> >
> >
> >
> > Now , my goal is to create an instance  that will be bootable from a nfs 
> > volume.
> >
> >
> >
> > As said here :
> >
> >
> >
> > https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__docs.openstack.org
> > _user-2Dguide_cli-5Fnova-5Flaunch-5Finstance-5Ffrom-5Fvol&d=CwIFAg&c=D
> > Z-EF4pZfxGSU6MfABwx0g&r=klD1krzABGW034E9oBtY1xmIn3g7xZAIxV0XxaZpkJE&m=
> > PbObbnirSgWTKX6gg9QKCR8hLheeVq2Sgvkb--ZY8w8&s=CJWEw9BHS7qs-gdrKkokjPe2
> > Qgh8BpS8NlTlnEL--Ic&e=
> > ume.html
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > i/f you want to create a volume to a specific storage backend, you
> > need to use an image which has //cinder_img_volume_type//property. In
> > this case, a new volume will be created as //storage_backend1//volume
> > type./
> >
> >
> >
> > Related to my use case ,  what  should be the value of the
> > /cinder_img_volume_type///property I've to add to the image :/ nfstype
> > or nfsbackend ?/
> >
> > / /
> >
> > I understand that , if all stuff is going well ,  a new volume will be 
> > created to host
> the instance , no ephemeral storage will be used for this instance ( making 
> it movable
> between compute nodes ) ?
> >
> >
> >
> > Am I right ?
> >
> > / /
> >
> > Thx for help.
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >
> >
> > Jean-Pierre RIBEAUVILLE
> >
> >
> >
> > +33 1 4717 2049
> >
> >
> >
> > axway_logo_tagline_87px
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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