Hi Vincent,

Have you found solution to your problem? I am facing exactly same problem
now at my setup. Any pointers?



On Feb 14, 2017 8:20 PM, "Vincent Jahjah" <vincent_jah...@hotmail.com>

> Fortunately, I have been documenting my step-by-step way of installing
> Cent OS.
> 1. Download a CentOS ISO (in our case, CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-
> 1611.iso)
> 2. Burn the ISO on a USB stick (in our case, using rufus-2.12.exe)
> 3. Set the server to boot on the USB stick and proceed to the installation
>     (In our case, on an IBM server)
> 4. Modify the following files to setup the network of CENTOS:
> vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-AAAX
>     (In our case, AAAX = eno1)
> DEVICE=eno1
> BOOTPROTO=static
> HWADDR=E4:1F:13:68:3F:28
> ONBOOT=yes
> vi /etc/sysconfig/network
> NETWORKING_IPV6=no # this line does not appear to matter
> HOSTNAME=lab.uni.myuniversity.ca
> vi /etc/resolv.conf
> nameserver
> 5. Type the following command to restart the network
> service network restart
> 6. ping should work (it normally doesn't work until all previous
> steps are completed)
> Now, follow the instructions to install FUEL on top of CENTOS 7, as
> described here:
> docs.openstack.org/developer/fuel-docs/userdocs/fuel-
> install-guide/install/install_install_fuel_master_node.html
> These instructions are synthesized thus:
> 7. sudo yum install -y PyYAML net-tools
> 8. sudo rpm -i http://packages.fuel-infra.org/repositories/centos/
> master-centos7/os/x86_64/Packages/fuel-release-10.0.0-1.mos6377.noarch.rpm
> (this step may result in a warning (NOKEY); we ignore it)
> 9. sudo yum install -y fuel-setup
> Finally, start the fuel bootstrap installation
> (this step should take ~5 minutes):
> 10. sudo /usr/sbin/bootstrap_admin_node.sh
> Once you enter the fuel configuration menu...
> 11. Change the password, which is currently admin ...
> 12. Verify that the specifications in "Network Setup" corresponds to the
> network specs you described earlier.
> 13. The DHCP pool should look something like 'eno1' : Start at,
> end at, Gateway
> In our case, no modifications are necessary.
> 14. IF you have a running DHCP service, it must be stopped or it will
> conflict with the fuel one.
> In our case, was a DHCP service. Putty can be used to identify
> and delete the service:
> sh run | inc dhcp
>     -> The output will allow you to find the relevant dhcp pools. Note the
> name.
> no ip dhcp [name of the dhcp pool]
> do wr
> 15. Proceed to install fuel 10.0 (Quit Setup -> Save and Quit)
> -> Everything functions normally up to this point.
> -> Crashes after 10 minutes, with the previous Cobbler sync failure
> messages.
> ------------------------------
> *De :* Evgeniy L <e...@mirantis.com>
> *Envoyé :* 13 février 2017 14:09:59
> *À :* Vincent Jahjah
> *Cc :* openstack@lists.openstack.org
> *Objet :* Re: [Openstack] [Fuel] Cannot access Fuel 10.0 UI because of
> unavailable Nailgun server
> I have several additional questions:
> 1. What version of Fuel do you use?
> 2. What instruction do you fallow to install Fuel?
> >> reinstalling from a "basic" CentOS 7 installation
> 3.  Could you please clarify how exactly you do installation?
> Thanks,
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 9:33 AM, Vincent Jahjah <
> vincent_jah...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> So, I tried reinstalling from a "basic" CentOS 7 installation.
>> I observed similar strange behavior from the previous time I tried the
>> installation, which means it is reproducible and that I don't can't move on.
>> I don't know how to export the log file from my server, and considering
>> its size, I doubt it's much of a loss if I send only screenshots of the
>> most suspicious parts. The last one specifically is the Cobbler failure,
>> which has a stacktrace that doesn't seem to appear in the log file; it only
>> appears during the error (and I can't scroll up D:).
>> Reading the error, I checked if httpd was running, but "status" indicates
>> it's active. I'm not sure what is meant by "SELinux could be in the way".
>> The other screenshots are in chronological order, the first one occurring
>> shortly after the GRUB setup of fuel; I understand it has to do with
>> finding apt-get-like programs.
>> (I'm sorry if my feedback output is limited: the cycle for reproducing
>> the error is of about an hour and I'm very limited by my remote-access
>> technology in terms of copy-pasting things. If you really need additional
>> feedback, I'll do my best to give you the full output)
>> Regards
>> ------------------------------
>> *De :* Evgeniy L <e...@mirantis.com>
>> *Envoyé :* 10 février 2017 17:58:56
>> *À :* Vincent Jahjah
>> *Cc :* openstack@lists.openstack.org
>> *Objet :* Re: [Openstack] [Fuel] Cannot access Fuel 10.0 UI because of
>> unavailable Nailgun server
>> The problem is for some reasons your Fuel Master installation was not
>> finished successfully, there are logs which you can check to figure out
>> what went wrong (see my previous message), also send a full output of
>> `bootstrap_admin_node.sh` command execution. It may make sense to try to
>> install from scratch, if you did a lot of manual changes and
>> configurations, to ensure there are no overlapping problems.
>> Thanks,
>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 9:42 AM, Vincent Jahjah <
>> vincent_jah...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Thank you for your advice!
>>> Curl did not work on the master node.
>>> It seems that nginx was not installed (service nginx status did not
>>> detect nginx).
>>> I used yum to install nginx, but doing this seems arbitrary and does not
>>> seem to do anything (was it not supposed to be there in the first place?)
>>> The bootstrap_admin_node logs suggested I use "fuel-bootstrap build
>>> --activate" once I had fixed the network.
>>> This command crashes on a Cobbler issue (first image).
>>> The configuration file of Cobbler has a comment suggesting I restart the
>>> cobbler demon. (second image)
>>> The command still fails after restarting the demon.
>>> This is the point where I begin to suspect httpd (apache) is in cause.
>>> When I restart httpd, I get a strange error explaining how there is a
>>> name duplication in the Cobbler configuration file inside the /etc/httpd
>>> folders. (two last images) Specifically:
>>> > # Use separate process group for wsgi
>>> > WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi
>>> > WSGIScriptAlias /cobbler_web /usr/share/cobbler/web/cobbler.wsgi
>>> > WSGIDaemonProcess cobbler_web display-name=%{GROUP}  /// ***This
>>> line***
>>> > WSGIProcessGroup cobbler_web
>>> > WSGIPassAuthorization On
>>> At this point, I am rather clueless and am starting to wonder if I am
>>> not breaking the OS further by stabbing in the dark. I wonder if this is
>>> leading anywhere, or whether I should just restart the Fuel installation
>>> from the CentOS image...
>>> Vincent
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *De :* Evgeniy L <e...@mirantis.com>
>>> *Envoyé :* 7 février 2017 13:07:32
>>> *À :* Vincent Jahjah
>>> *Cc :* openstack@lists.openstack.org
>>> *Objet :* Re: [Openstack] [Fuel] Cannot access Fuel 10.0 UI because of
>>> unavailable Nailgun server
>>> Hi,
>>> Try to access UI using "curl" from your machine and from Fuel Master:
>>> 1. If it's not available from your machine but available from Fuel
>>> Master, make sure that your network is configured correctly use regular
>>> troubleshooting techniques for that ping/traceroute/tcpdump.
>>> 2. If it's not available from both, your machine and Fuel Master, verify
>>> that Nginx up and running and that it's configured correctly, there could
>>> be problems with installation see "/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log"
>>> for details.
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 6:21 AM, Vincent Jahjah <
>>> vincent_jah...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have attempted installing Fuel on my IBM server for testing purposes.
>>>> I currently find myself in a similar situation as the one described in
>>>> this Openstack ask post: https://ask.openstack.or
>>>> g/en/question/84510/fuel-ui-network-error/
>>>> I can ping to and from the server, and when I try to connect to the UI
>>>> from my web browser, the page does not load. The browser tells me I might
>>>> have too stringent security requirements, but this does not seem to be the
>>>> issue (deactivating the firewall does not change anything).
>>>> I cannot restart the Nailgun server simply because the dockerctl
>>>> commands are deprecated on my version, and I have not found anywhere the
>>>> commands that are meant to replace it.
>>>> fuel-utils reveals no issues with Nailgun, but apparently something is
>>>> off with Cobbler (that's probably not relevant though).
>>>> When I check for the availability of the Nailgun server, I am told
>>>> "Can't connect to Nailgun server! Please modify "SERVER_ADDRESS" and
>>>> My config.yaml file looks like this:
>>>> LISTEN_PORT:"8000"
>>>> SERVER_PORT:"8443"
>>>> KEYSTONE_USER:"................"
>>>> KEYSTONE_PASS:"................"
>>>> KEYSTONE_PORT:"5000"
>>>> The IP is the host's IP as well as that advertised on the fuel console
>>>> launch; 8443 is the advertised port for login as well.
>>>> I have added some of the following rules to the host's firewall, more
>>>> or less blindly following tutorials:
>>>> *filter
>>>> :INPUT DROP [0:0]
>>>> :FORWARD DROP [0:0]
>>>> :OUTPUT ACCEPT [243:14376]
>>>> :ext-filter-forward - [0:0]
>>>> :ext-filter-input - [0:0]
>>>> -A INPUT -i lo -m comment --comment "000 allow loopback" -j ACCEPT
>>>> -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 23 -j ACCEPT
>>>> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
>>>> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT
>>>> -A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 22 -m comment
>>>> --comment "010 ssh" -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
>>>> I do "service iptable restart" and I restart firewalld after modifying
>>>> this file.
>>>> I restart the network before trying to access the fuel UI.
>>>> I do all of my modifications on my client machine, on PuTTy using
>>>> Telnet.
>>>> I've been stuck on this issue and have been on the lookout for support,
>>>> hence my joining this email list.
>>>> This is not the only issue I've run into, but that's the most pressing
>>>> one right now.
>>>> I know that I am attempting to join the right site on the browser
>>>> because the tab icon on Chrome changes to the Fuel icon.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Vincent
>>>> fuel ui network error - Ask OpenStack: Q&A Site for ...
>>>> <https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/84510/fuel-ui-network-error/>
>>>> ask.openstack.org
>>>> Hi All I am trying Mirantis Fuel 7 or OpenStack deployment.
>>>> Environment: Fuel Master - 2 IP (, 192.168.x.y, Gateway -
>>>> 192.168.x.z) Fuel slaves - 2 Using ...
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