Thanks Eugene and Ignazio for your replies.

Please take note that Heat::SoftwareConfiguration is working perfectly at
my end. Shell script provided with Software configuration works fine.
Problem is occurring only when I am trying to use Heat::SoftwareDeployment
instead of using SoftwareConfig directly. Only motive behind using
SoftwareDeployment is to be able to pass input parameters to shell script.

Adding more to the above, VM is accessible from external new using SSH.
Flat NW is being used to put VM's eth0 on external NW. IP assigned is fixed
using NW port. If Nw is provider Nw then does it make any difference for
SoftwareConfig and SoftwareDeployment? curl -v
<> works fine.


On Jun 23, 2017 6:51 PM, "Eugen Block" <> wrote:


it seems like your VM fails to connect to the metadata server, so any
configuration provided by user-data will have failed. Is the VM's network
configured properly? Does it get its IP by DHCP? Is it a provider network
or a self-service network?
If it's a provider network (external router), you'll have to provide the
user-data and network config by config-drive, this way you won't need a
metadata-server. If it's a self-service network, is DHCP enabled? Check
your ip config within your vm. If the ip config is as expected, try to
execute "curl -v";, does it timeout?

Are dhcp-server and metadata-server up and running? What's the output of
neutron agent-list

If you launch an instance in the same network without heat, just with the
user-data, does that work? If it does it's probably a heat issue. Have you
checked the heat logs for any hints?


Zitat von Amit Kumar <>:

Hi All,
> I have installed OpenStack Mitaka using OpenStack-Ansible 13.3.13. Trying
> to use Heat::SoftwareDeployment resource similar to as described in:
> software-config/example-templates/example-script-template.yaml
> ;
> but is not working as expected. SoftwareDeployment resource is always in
> progress state once heat stack is created from command line.
> Here are the /var/log/cloud-init-output.log:
> /var/log/os-collect-config.log shows these logs:
> Can they cause any harm?
> /var/run/heat-config/heat-config is showing the script and the input
> parameters which I want to run on VM. Here are the logs:
> but in-spite of script and its
> input being here, */var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0000003a/scripts/userdata*
> file is empty.
> Here is the /var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0000003a/user-data.txt:
> With the help of above logs, please see if you can point out if I am
> missing anything here.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Amit

Eugen Block                             voice   : +49-40-559 51 75
NDE Netzdesign und -entwicklung AG      fax     : +49-40-559 51 77
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