Hai Bernd Bausch,

Thanks for your help.
As you said , I am not completely familiar with all the underlying
concepts. But I am trying to learn thanks for pointing me in the right

Now, I have achieved what I wanted. I have followed your second suggestion
with some more reading in to LVM (as I am not complete aware of things in
linux yet).

Regarding your other suggestion with more Linux concepts, I need to do work
on them as well (not at the moment).


On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 2:37 AM, Bernd Bausch <berndbau...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Your node uses logical volume *h020--vg-root* as its root filesystem.
> This logical volume has a size of 370GB:
> (...)
> └─sdk5              LVM2_member 371.5G
> *  ├─h020--vg-root   ext4        370.6G /*
>   └─h020--vg-swap_1 swap          976M [SWAP]
> Now you created another physical volume, */dev/sdb1*, and added it to
> volume group *h020-vg*. This increases the size of the *volume group*,
> but not the size of the *logical volume*.
> If you want to provide more space to instances' ephemeral storage, you
> could:
>    - increase the size of root volume *h020--vg-root* using the *lvextend*
>    command, then increase the size of the filesystem on it. I believe that
>    this requires a reboot, since it's the root filesystem.
> or
>    - create another logical volume, e.g. lvcreate -L1000GB -n
>    lv-instances h020-vg for a 1000GB logical volume, and mount it under
>    */var/lib/nova/instances*: mount /dev/h020-vg/lv-instances
>    /var/lib/nova/instances
>    (before mounting, create a filesystem on *lv-instances* and transfer
>    the data from */var/lib/nova/instances* to the new filesystem. Also,
>    don't forget to persist the mount by adding it to */etc/fstab*)
> The second option is by far better, in my opinion, as you should separate
> operating system files from OpenStack data.
> You say that you are new to OpenStack. That's fine, but you seem to be
> lacking the fundamentals of Linux system management as well. You can't
> learn OpenStack without a certain level of Linux skills. At least learn
> about LVM (it's not that hard) and filesystems. You will also need to have
> networking fundamentals and Linux networking tools under your belt.
> Good luck!
> Bernd Bausch
> On 8/9/2018 2:30 AM, Jay See wrote:
> Hai Eugen,
> Thanks for your suggestions and I went back to find more about adding the
> new HD to VG. I think it was successful. (Logs are at the end of the mail)
> Followed this link - https://www.howtoforge.com/
> logical-volume-manager-how-can-i-extend-a-volume-group
> But still on the nova-compute logs it still shows wrong phys_disk size.
> Even in the horizon it doesn't get updated with the new HD added to compute
> node.
> 2018-08-08 19:22:56.671 3335 INFO nova.compute.resource_tracker
> [req-14a2b7e2-7703-4a75-9014-180eb26876ff - - - - -] Final resource view:
> name=h020 phys_ram=515767MB used_ram=512MB *phys_disk=364GB *used_disk=0GB
> total_vcpus=40 used_vcpus=0 pci_stats=[]
> I understood they are not supposed to be mounted on /var/lib/nova/instances
> so removed them now.
> Thanks
> Jay.
> root@h020:~# vgdisplay
>   --- Volume group ---
>   *VG Name               h020-vg*
>   System ID
>   Format                lvm2
>   Metadata Areas        1
>   Metadata Sequence No  3
>   VG Access             read/write
>   VG Status             resizable
>   MAX LV                0
>   Cur LV                2
>   Open LV               2
>   Max PV                0
>   Cur PV                1
>   Act PV                1
>   VG Size               371.52 GiB
>   PE Size               4.00 MiB
>   Total PE              95109
> *  Alloc PE / Size       95105 / 371.50 GiB*
> *  Free  PE / Size       4 / 16.00 MiB*
>   VG UUID               4EoW4w-x2cw-xDmC-XrrX-SXBG-RePM-XmWA2U
> root@h020:~# pvcreate */dev/sdb1*
>   Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully created
> root@h020:~# pvdisplay
>   --- Physical volume ---
>   PV Name               /dev/sdk5
>   VG Name               h020-vg
>   PV Size               371.52 GiB / not usable 2.00 MiB
>   Allocatable           yes
>   PE Size               4.00 MiB
>   Total PE              95109
>   Free PE               4
>   Allocated PE          95105
>   PV UUID               BjGeac-TRkC-0gi8-GKX8-2Ivc-7awz-DTK2nR
>   "/dev/sdb1" is a new physical volume of "5.46 TiB"
>   --- NEW Physical volume ---
>   PV Name               /dev/sdb1
>   VG Name
>   PV Size               5.46 TiB
>   Allocatable           NO
>   PE Size               0
>   Total PE              0
>   Free PE               0
>   Allocated PE          0
>   PV UUID               CPp369-3MwJ-ic3I-Keh1-dJJY-Gcrc-CpC443
> root@h020:~# vgextend /dev/h020-vg /dev/sdb1
>   Volume group "h020-vg" successfully extended
> root@h020:~# vgdisplay
>   --- Volume group ---
>   VG Name               h020-vg
>   System ID
>   Format                lvm2
>   Metadata Areas        2
>   Metadata Sequence No  4
>   VG Access             read/write
>   VG Status             resizable
>   MAX LV                0
>   Cur LV                2
>   Open LV               2
>   Max PV                0
>   Cur PV                2
>   Act PV                2
>   VG Size               5.82 TiB
>   PE Size               4.00 MiB
>   Total PE              1525900
> *  Alloc PE / Size       95105 / 371.50 GiB*
> *  Free  PE / Size       1430795 / 5.46 TiB*
>   VG UUID               4EoW4w-x2cw-xDmC-XrrX-SXBG-RePM-XmWA2U
> root@h020:~# service nova-compute restart
> sda                               5.5T
> ├─sda1              vfat          500M            ESP
> ├─sda2              vfat          100M            DIAGS
> └─sda3              vfat            2G            OS
> sdb                               5.5T
> └─sdb1              LVM2_member   5.5T
> sdk                               372G
> ├─sdk1              ext2          487M /boot
> ├─sdk2                              1K
> └─sdk5              LVM2_member 371.5G
>   ├─h020--vg-root   ext4        370.6G /
>   └─h020--vg-swap_1 swap          976M [SWAP]
> root@h020:~# pvscan
>   PV /dev/sdk5   VG h020-vg         lvm2 [371.52 GiB / 16.00 MiB free]
>   PV /dev/sdb1   VG h020-vg         lvm2 [5.46 TiB / 5.46 TiB free]
>   Total: 2 [5.82 TiB] / in use: 2 [5.82 TiB] / in no VG: 0 [0   ]
> root@h020:~# vgs
>   VG      #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize VFree
>   h020-vg   2   2   0 wz--n- 5.82t 5.46t
> root@h020:~# vi /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log
> root@h020:~#
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 3:36 PM, Eugen Block <ebl...@nde.ag> wrote:
>> Okay, I'm really not sure if I understand your setup correctly.
>> Server does not add them automatically, I tried to mount them. I tried
>>> they
>>> way they discussed in the page with /dev/sdb only. Other hard disks I
>>> have
>>> mounted them my self. Yes I can see them in lsblk output as below
>> What do you mean with "tried with /dev/sdb"? I assume this is a fresh
>> setup and Cinder didn't work yet, am I right?
>> The new disks won't be added automatically to your cinder configuration,
>> if that's what you expected. You'll have to create new physical volumes and
>> then extend the existing VG to use new disks.
>> In Nova-Compute logs I can only see main hard disk shown in the the
>>> complete phys_disk, it was supposed to show more  phys_disk available
>>> atleast 5.8 TB if only /dev/sdb is added as per my understand (May be I
>>> am
>>> thinking it in the wrong way, I want increase my compute node disk size
>>> to
>>> launch more VMs)
>> If you plan to use cinder volumes as disks for your instances, you don't
>> need much space in /var/lib/nova/instances but more space available for
>> cinder, so you'll need to grow the VG.
>> Regards
>> Zitat von Jay See <jayachander...@gmail.com>:
>> Hai,
>>> Thanks for a quick response.
>>> - what do you mean by "disks are not added"? Does the server recognize
>>> them? Do you see them in the output of "lsblk"?
>>> Server does not add them automatically, I tried to mount them. I tried
>>> they
>>> way they discussed in the page with /dev/sdb only. Other hard disks I
>>> have
>>> mounted them my self. Yes I can see them in lsblk output as below
>>> root@h020:~# lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL
>>> NAME                                          FSTYPE        SIZE
>>> MOUNTPOINT                   LABEL
>>> sda                                                         5.5T
>>> ├─sda1                                        vfat          500M
>>>                   ESP
>>> ├─sda2                                        vfat          100M
>>>                   DIAGS
>>> └─sda3                                        vfat            2G
>>>                   OS
>>> sdb                                                         5.5T
>>> ├─sdb1                                                      5.5T
>>> ├─cinder--volumes-cinder--volumes--pool_tmeta                84M
>>> │ └─cinder--volumes-cinder--volumes--pool                   5.2T
>>> └─cinder--volumes-cinder--volumes--pool_tdata               5.2T
>>>   └─cinder--volumes-cinder--volumes--pool                   5.2T
>>> sdc                                                         5.5T
>>> └─sdc1                                        xfs           5.5T
>>> sdd                                                         5.5T
>>> └─sdd1                                        xfs           5.5T
>>> /var/lib/nova/instances/sdd1
>>> sde                                                         5.5T
>>> └─sde1                                        xfs           5.5T
>>> /var/lib/nova/instances/sde1
>>> sdf                                                         5.5T
>>> └─sdf1                                        xfs           5.5T
>>> /var/lib/nova/instances/sdf1
>>> sdg                                                         5.5T
>>> └─sdg1                                        xfs           5.5T
>>> /var/lib/nova/instances/sdg1
>>> sdh                                                         5.5T
>>> └─sdh1                                        xfs           5.5T
>>> /var/lib/nova/instances/sdh1
>>> sdi                                                         5.5T
>>> └─sdi1                                        xfs           5.5T
>>> /var/lib/nova/instances/sdi1
>>> sdj                                                         5.5T
>>> └─sdj1                                        xfs           5.5T
>>> /var/lib/nova/instances/sdj1
>>> sdk                                                         372G
>>> ├─sdk1                                        ext2          487M /boot
>>> ├─sdk2                                                        1K
>>> └─sdk5                                        LVM2_member 371.5G
>>>   ├─h020--vg-root                             ext4        370.6G /
>>>   └─h020--vg-swap_1                           swap          976M [SWAP]
>>> - Do you already have existing physical volumes for cinder (assuming you
>>> deployed cinder with lvm as in the provided link)?
>>> Yes, I have tried one of the HD (/dev/sdb)
>>> - If the system recognizes the new disks and you deployed cinder with lvm
>>> you can create a new physical volume and extend your existing volume
>>> group
>>> to have more space for cinder. Is this a failing step or someting else?
>>> System does not recognize the disks automatically, I have manually
>>> mounted
>>> them or added them to cinder.
>>> In Nova-Compute logs I can only see main hard disk shown in the the
>>> complete phys_disk, it was supposed to show more  phys_disk available
>>> atleast 5.8 TB if only /dev/sdb is added as per my understand (May be I
>>> am
>>> thinking it in the wrong way, I want increase my compute node disk size
>>> to
>>> launch more VMs)
>>> 2018-08-08 11:58:41.722 34111 INFO nova.compute.resource_tracker
>>> [req-a180079f-d7c0-4430-9c14-314ac4d0832b - - - - -] F
>>> inal resource view: name=h020 phys_ram=515767MB used_ram=512MB
>>> *phys_disk=364GB* used_disk=0GB total_vcpus=
>>> 40 used_vcpus=0 pci_stats=[]
>>> - Please describe more precisely what exactly you tried and what exactly
>>> fails.
>>> As explained in the previous point, I want to increase the  phys_disk
>>> size
>>> to use the compute node more efficiently. So to add the HD to compute
>>> node
>>> I am installing cinder on the compute node to add all the HDs.
>>> I might be doing something wrong.
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Jayachander.
>>> On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 11:24 AM, Eugen Block <ebl...@nde.ag> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> there are a couple of questions rising up:
>>>> - what do you mean by "disks are not added"? Does the server recognize
>>>> them? Do you see them in the output of "lsblk"?
>>>> - Do you already have existing physical volumes for cinder (assuming you
>>>> deployed cinder with lvm as in the provided link)?
>>>> - If the system recognizes the new disks and you deployed cinder with
>>>> lvm
>>>> you can create a new physical volume and extend your existing volume
>>>> group
>>>> to have more space for cinder. Is this a failing step or someting else?
>>>> - Please describe more precisely what exactly you tried and what exactly
>>>> fails.
>>>> The failing neutron-l3-agent shouldn't have to do anything with your
>>>> disk
>>>> layout, so it's probably something else.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Eugen
>>>> Zitat von Jay See <jayachander...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hai,
>>>>> I am installing Openstack Queens on Ubuntu Server.
>>>>> My server has extra hard disk(s) apart from main hard disk where
>>>>> OS(Ubuntu)
>>>>> is running.
>>>>> (
>>>>> https://docs.openstack.org/cinder/queens/install/cinder-stor
>>>>> age-install-ubuntu.html
>>>>> )
>>>>> As suggested in cinder (above link), I have been trying to add the new
>>>>> hard
>>>>> disk but the other hard disks are not getting added.
>>>>> Can anyone tell me , what am i missing to add these hard disks?
>>>>> Other info : neutron-l3-agent on controller is not running, is it
>>>>> related
>>>>> to this issue ? I am thinking it is not related to this issue.
>>>>> I am new to Openstack.
>>>>> ~ Jayachander.
>>>>> --
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