After lot of work, we proudly announce the
availability of openSUSE 10.2 formerly know as SUSE Linux 10.x

It's available for download on in x86, x86-64, and ppc versions -
via ftp from our mirrors and bittorrent. 

openSUSE 10.2 will be offered as boxed product in Europe through retail as 
usual. In North America the  box will be available through Due to production lead time first boxes will show 
up on shelves and onlineshops mid of December. 

For download we offer as ISOs the 5 CD open source version plus our
add-on CD with proprietary portions, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader,
RealNetworks RealPlayer, and Sun Java Runtime Environment. 
DVDs for all architectures are available and contain the open source version 
plus proprietary add-ons.
For the first time we offer a language add-on CD which offers support for 
languages which are not part of our base language set up.
The Live DVD will be release next week. 

We do our best in providing enough bandwith for quick and painless download. 
But especially in the first days after launch it could be slow sometimes. In 
those cases check our mirror list at or try a day later.
We'd appreciate if you use bittorrent to share the download with others. For 
more informataion

Additionall ftp trees are available - with only open source
packages and with non open source packages. The open source tree
contains packages build from more than 3100 source RPMs and offers some 
packages which didn't fit on the media.

As usual, we ship all the latest open source packages available at the
time. But we want to give special mention to the redesigned GNOME and KDE 
desktop, Firefox 2.0, ext3 as new default file system, support for internal 
SD card readers, new power managment and last but not least our improved 
package management. 

We'd like to thank you all for testing heavily, reporting bugs, giving
feedback on mailing lists, etc., and in general for supporting and
participating in creating openSUSE 10.2

Have a lot of fun!

Michael, Andreas and Adrian

P.S.:  Overview for CD insallation:
* CD1-2 only for a minimal text installation (English)
* CDs 1-3 for a default KDE or GNOME installation in German or English
* All 5 CDs for other selections
* Addon-NonOSS CD for the proprietary software
* Addon-Lang CD for addtional languages

Delta ISOs for updating RC1 to goldmaster are on the server, please
check mirrors for details.
Michael Löffler, Product Management
SUSE Linux Products GmbH, Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nuremberg

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