Sent from my iPhone. Typos are Apple's fault. 

> On Oct 22, 2013, at 3:01 AM, "Guillaume Gardet" <> 
> wrote:
> Le 22/10/2013 04:36, David Byte a écrit :
>> nevermind on the raspberrypi-gfx.  Found it via
> Strange, you should have it in your pre-installed repositories on your image.
I monkeyed around a lot of stuff to get xfce installed. It may have gotten 
whacked in the process. Definitely one that should be added to the base repo. 
>> I am documenting my config here with some info to help others who may try to 
>> follow.
>> Here's where I sit (and pretty happily too)
>> config.txt
>> disable_overscan=1
>> gpu_mem=80
>> arm_freq=900
>> sdram_freq=450
>> core_freq=450
>> over_voltage=3
>> force_turbo=1
>> hdmi_drive=2 (at least for the moment)
>> decode_MPG2=xxxxxxx
>> decode_WVC1=xxxxxxx
> Be careful with overclocking (especially over voltage). It may void your 
> warranty.
Not overly concerned with warranty, but certainly appreciate the caution. 

>> cmdline.txt 
>> dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 
>> console=tty1 root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags= rootwait rw
>> openSUSE:Factory installed and updated
>> Split install (moved / and all subs to USB stick)
> Are you able to boot directly from USB or do you have a dummy SD card which 
> just allow to boot on your USB stick?
/boot is on sd still. I haven't found anything that makes me think I would be 
successful booting from USB. 

>> / is ext4
>> xfce4 desktop environment
>> installed raspberrypi-gfx from (factory)
>> installed zramswap from
>> zramswap installed and enabled for 64MB
>> added Multimedia and Essentials Repos
>> installed omxplayer
> Is omxplayer working fine now?
Yes it is. Runs like a champ. 

>> midori for web browsing (is there a better, lightweight browser)?
>> With nothing running except xfce4 the system utilizes around 90MB of RAM
>> Things to follow up on:
>> 1 - test iscsi-initiator further.  In limited testing, it was alway 
>> reporting lun size of 0, could be config error.
>> 2 - search for more performance tweaks to OS, config.txt
>> 3 - add a wireless card?
> I have a USB wifi which is not too bad: WiPi.
>> 4 - move to a much faster USB stick for /
>> 5 - Add heatsinks (and maybe fan) and OC to 1Ghz?
> I would prefer a heatsink so that you do not get noise.

Was thinking of both. I have some  very small, low speed fans that would be 
ideal for quietly moving a low volume of air through the case. 

>> If anyone sees anything I should change, let me know.
> Thanks for sharing good or bad things with openSUSE on your RPi.
You guys have done a great job with the image so far. I am looking forward to 
having a solid 13.1 image to put on the RPi devices I will give away at 
SuperComputing 2013 in Nov. 

Next to try is a 32bit power dev board  with an appropriate openSUSE build. :)
> Guillaume
>> David Byte
>> Sr. Technology Strategist, OEM
>> (P) 
>>>>> "David Byte" <> 10/21/2013 6:52 PM >>>
>> I am not seeing the raspberrypi-gfx package in any of the repositories.  
>> Where should I find it?
>> David Byte
>> Sr. Technology Strategist, OEM
>> (P) 
>>>>> Guillaume Gardet <> 10/21/2013 6:46 AM >>>
>> Hi,
>> Le 21/10/2013 05:38, David Byte a écrit :
>>> OK, I admit it, I am a noob with RPi and openSUSE.  
>>> I am trying to get omxplayer working on my opensuse:FACTORY image without 
>>> much luck.  I keep getting errors about nothing providing  I 
>>> have MESA-EGL1 installed and /usr/lib/ is present.  Digging 
>>> around via google, I found mentions of vc (Video Core) files (including the 
>>> libbcm_host file I also get errors about).
>> You should not install Mesa-* packages but raspberrypi-gfx package.
>>> I have added the Essentials and Multimedia repositories 
>>> ( and then 
>>> tried installing omxplayer and get the nothing provides needed by 
>>> error.
>>> Can anyone give a pointer?
>> Please remove Mesa* packages and then reinstall raspberrypi-gfx package.
>> Guillaume
>>> David Byte
>>> Sr. Technology Strategist, OEM
>>> SUSE
>>> (P) 

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