Op woensdag 26 november 2014 12:22:28 schreef Alexander Graf:
> > Excuse my ignorance. I am always thinking in cookbook procedures and only
> > when strictly needed I get into the technology.
> > 
> > So what you are suggesting is:
> > 1. burn the image on the SD
> > 2. remove the reconfig file
> > 3. run gptsync on the SD
> > 4. use the SD on the RPi
> > and it should work as a headless system?
> If you only want it headless, you need to do
>  1. burn the image on the SD
>  2. remove the reconfig file
>  3. use the SD on the RPi (boot at least once!)
> If you also want to change the partition layout, you need to
>  4. change the partition layout
>  5. run gptsync on the SD

Your above procedure does not work for a headless system. The first boot of 
the burned SD, whether one removed the reconfig file or not, will repartition 
the SD. So no need to do that afterward, unless one really wants to have a 
different partition layout. I don't. So no need for gptsync in my case.

When one did not remove the reconfig file the resulting RPi system does not 
work headless, but at least one has a repartitioned SD. So after that, one can 
remove the reconfig file and boot the SD again, after which headless works. 
This works for me.

When one removed the reconfig file before the first boot of the SD card the 
system does not work headless. I have no clue how to fix that.

Maybe removing the reconfig file and repartitioning of the SD card to your 
liking using gparted and after that using gptsync, booting that SD for the 
first time may give you a headless working system. I tried that without 
gptsync and that did not work.


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Freek de Kruijf

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