
> Le 28/05/2015 16:32, Guillaume Gardet a écrit :
> >Hi,
> >
> >after testing some factory images, it appears that boot.scr/boot.script are 
> >not updated, so board is unbootable after first boot.
> >
> >Anything changed in config or kiwi?
> Marcus, it seems that kiwi does not run our u-boot hook (setupUBoot.sh) which 
> is in /kiwi-hooks/ because test if file exists fails whereas it is there. :(
> boot.kiwi log:
> **********************************************************************
> ++ local 'IFS=
> '
> ++ '[' '!' -z '' ']'
> ++ export eval KIWI_ALLOW_HOOK_CMD_setupUBoot=0
> ++ KIWI_ALLOW_HOOK_CMD_setupUBoot=0
> ++ HOOK=/kiwi-hooks/setupUBoot.sh
> ++ '[' '!' -e /kiwi-hooks/setupUBoot.sh ']'
> ++ HOOK=/lib/kiwi/hooks/setupUBoot.sh
> ++ '[' -e /lib/kiwi/hooks/setupUBoot.sh ']'
> ++ '[' '!' -z '' ']'
> ++ eval local 'call_cmd=$KIWI_ALLOW_HOOK_CMD_setupUBoot'
> +++ local call_cmd=0
> **********************************************************************
> How could we debug this?

Check the initrd if the script is really included

   gzip -cd <initrd> | cpio -it | grep setupUBoot.sh

If it does not exist at all check if the tarball providing the
script(s) is bootincluded

   <archive name="foo.tgz" bootinclude="true"/>

Next check if the archive bundled the scripts correctly, should
look like this:

   tar -tf foo.tgz


If all that matches check the kiwi build log if you can see the
"Installing archives" log information

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