Op dinsdag 9 juni 2015 09:43:29 schreef Alexander Graf:
> On 08.06.15 18:31, Guillaume Gardet wrote:
> > I merged https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:ARM/GetARMed and
> > https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Supported_ARM_boards (1st part).
> > 
> > Could you please review/edit this page:
> > https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:ARM/GetARMed
> Wow, I'm sure that was a lot of work. A minor nit:
> I think the BeagleBoard xM special page link should just either get
> merged with the HCL or linked to from the HCL, no need to specially
> mention it on the portal
> Thanks a lot for digging through this!

I followed the links to RPi1 and 2 and cleaned up the page on RPI2.
The page on RPI1 is quite confusing, so is searching the download.opensuse.org 
for images of RP1. I have the feeling that some reorganization of the 
repositories for RPi1 is needed. In my view they should have the same basic 
structure as for the x86 architecture. On the highest level arm-distribution 
and arm-update, next to arm-tumbleweed. Below, at least for RPi's iso should 

I am quite willing to update the RPi1 page on the wiki, but I need some 
information on the policy for this device. Which versions are supported? Only 
Tumbleweed or also 13.2 and ...?


member openSUSE
Freek de Kruijf

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