Op woensdag 12 augustus 2015 10:02:12 schreef u:
> Freek de Kruijf wrote:
> > I have a RPi 1B with a Wi-Fi USB interface using the latest image for this
> > system.
> Which image exactly?

> I had a similar issue which was solved in the meantime after update package
> dtb-bcm2835-4.1.3-47.1 reached this system.
> Now kernel update to 4.1.4 is in the pipe but no update to package
> dtb-bcm2835-4.1.4...

I have dtb-bcm2835-4.1.3-47.1

Maybe I can build that package 4.1.4
> Ciao, Michael.


member openSUSE
Freek de Kruijf

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