Finished testing the newest image 
for Raspberry Pi 1B

This image is much smaller than its predecessor: 160 MiB versus 230 MiB.
I test it with a HDMI device connected, so I can see the messages.
First it shows the u-boot messages, shows for a short while Tux and shows a 
black screen for quite a while. Apparently during this time the SD card is 
changed to have a swap partition at the end and the ROOT partition is enlarged 
to cover the remaining space on the SD card.
After that it shows a number of messages typical ones one see during boot. 
There is an an error message about being not able to mount /boot/efi 
The system ends in an emergency state.
After power down and up it does not boot anymore but it looks the system is 
trying to boot via the network.

One of the last messages is that one should run "journalct -xb" to see what 
went wrong. I mounted the SD card, or rather the ROOT partition, on my desktop 
and started the command "journalctl -D <path-to-/var/log/journal-on-ROOT> -xb" 
which showed me the messages. Most likely the problem is the mounting of 
/boot/vfat; the error message reports:
mount[5289]: mount: unknown filesystem type 'vfat', so apparently there is a 
missing module in the kernel.


member openSUSE
Freek de Kruijf

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