Op vrijdag 12 januari 2018 22:47:16 CET schreef Brüns, Stefan:
> should be
> size=`/usr/sbin/blockdev --getsize64 $card`
> dd if=/dev/zero of=$card obs=1 seek=$((size - 1024)) count=1024


# change X to the letter of the device with the SD card
ssize=$(/usr/sbin/blockdev --getss $card)
[ $ssize -ne 512 ] && echo "sectorsize not equal 512" && exit 1
size=$(/usr/sbin/blockdev --getsz $card)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdg obs=$ssize seek=$(($size-2)) count=2

This does not give a warning/error message. Most likely this was caused by 
omitting the $ in front of size in the last line you showed.


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Freek de Kruijf

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