Le 30/03/2018 à 15:58, Daniel Bischof a écrit :
Hi, checked for changes in https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/openSUSE:Factory/u-boot-snow/u-boot-snow.changes?expand=1 yesterday, and there's an update that may fix the ongoing boot issues on my Chromebook (Snow).
Which boot issue?
However, the JeOS-images for Snow haven't been rebuilt for more than one month: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/ARM:/Factory:/Contrib:/Chromebook/images/ Intention or mistake?
The Chromebook, is now fully upstream, so please use images from: http://download.opensuse.org/ports/armv7hl/tumbleweed/images/ Guillaume
Best regards, --D. --- Daniel Bischof <suse-b...@bischof.org>
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