Hello all,

I own an 11.6" Pinebook 1080p for a few weeks now and have some problems getting opensuse running on it. Maybe someone can help me figuring out what is going wrong. I do not have a serial cable.

I am using the latest pine64 image from
and write it to a 32GB sdcard using the openSUSE image writer.

As I could see, these images now contain a sun50i-a64-pinebook.dtb so I am assuming that they should/could boot on a pinebook.

These are my problems:

1. Whenever I look at an sdcard with a freshly written image using gparted, gdisk or any other disk utility it says:

"The backup GPT table is not at the end of the disk, as it should be. Fix, by moving the backup to the end (and removing the old backup)?"
"Yes" or "Ignore"

When I answer "Yes", the card is not recognized afterwards during boot by the pinebook anymore and the pinebook boots Arch Linux from the installed emmc.

When I answer "Ignore" the card is recognized during boot by the pinebook but the screen stays black and no matter how long I wait, the pinebook does not boot of it.

My questions are, is there something wrong with the image and should I fix it as above or leave it alone and just use it as it is when the image writer has finished its job?

2. I am pretty sure that the pinebook can boot from the above mentioned images because it already did but only _one_ single time and, after that one time boot event, it never did that again.

I saw openSUSE's grub coming up and the last message I could see was "Loading initial ramdisk". After that the screen went black and never came back to life again.

After this single succesful boot I found the root partition enlarged and a swap partition being added to the sdcard when I looked at it with gparted afterwards.

I do not recall anymore if I "fixed" the GPT on the card as above under 1. before inserting it into the pinebook or if I left it unchanged but I am pretty sure that the uboot coming up and starting openSUSE's grub was the Arch Linux one from the emmc.

However, I was not able to reproduce this behaviour.

What am I doing wrong?

3. After that I tried to start openSUSE's grub with the Arch Linux uboot on the emmc.

I was able to list the content of the esp on the sdcard from within Arch Linux's uboot and find the/EFI/BOOT/bootaa64.efi but unable to start it.

Is that possible anyway and how would I do that?

Thanks guys
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